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1/2 Written June 10th at 2047 Five things I like about Ony. 1. I love that he i

1/2 Written June 10th at 2047 Five things I like about Ony. 1. I love that he is an Igbo man; I found his culture and language unique. 2. I love that he is so given and helpful; he’s very active and involved in giving his time to his family/friends/students, and others. One thing about me is I’m huge on giving back and doing humanitarian work. So, when I saw that in him, it made me like him so much more. 3. I love everything about him! His laugh, his smile, the way he talks, the way he walks, the way he carries himself, his energy… His entire existence! 4. I love his scars! At one point in life, I used to pick men apart because of what I was told growing up in an African household (if a man has a big nose and you have a big nose, you can’t be with him because your child will have a big nose or big ears, etc.). This is something I had to unlearn as It has significantly altered my view of men’s physical attributes and what I look for to be physically attracted to a man. I applied this belief to men, including him, only liking certain things/parts about him, and on the other hand, not so much. I had to ask myself one day, who am I to pick this beautiful/handsome man apart that God has designed in his image and how horrible of a person I am to only like certain parts of him and not the full him and can’t accept the things God has placed on him that makes him unique? Once I was able to move past my belief, I fell in love with him on a different level. It was almost like I saw the beauty In him, and I loved all of his scars! The scars on his face, his nose, etc. If he ever wonders why I kiss him unknowingly at times, it is to remind him that he is loved. I love everything about him! Things that he may find unattractive or insecure about himself, I loved, and I would kiss them a thousand and one times to remind him that he is loved just the way he is! 5. I love that I can learn from him. I’m constantly learning from him. I’m attracted to intelligence and someone that can stimulate my mind intellectually. If a person can stimulate my mind intellectually, then you have my attention, and I’m not talking about small talks; I’m talking about meaningful conversations, and he and I can have endless discussions on different topics and respect each other opinions, and I love that. I also love how he’s an expert in certain areas I may be lacking in or need some guidance. I love that he is an Alpha male! A man with a strong backbone with leadership ability. I’m huge on can you lead me, can I come to you for guidance, can I take your word of advice into account when it’s time to make big decisions, and can you lead a family, etc., and he’s met all of that.

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