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1. The paper should address your progress in all of these 5 areas of profession

1. The paper should address your progress in all of these 5 areas of professional development: • Increased knowledge: About PsyR models of practice, serious mental illness, community resources, etc. • Skill development: Individual counseling skills – especially OARS, group facilitation skills, assessment and documentation skills, interpersonal skills needed to function as a team member, etc. • Attitudinal change: Did you enter the field with any stigmatizing or prejudicial attitudes that have been altered? Have your expectations about functioning of PsyR service users changed? Have your attitudes about the staff, program, or the field of PsyR changed? • Personal & professional growth: Identify your specificlearning goals and describe the progress that you make toward these goals. You should also address any positive changes in self-esteem, self-confidence and vocational maturity. • Experiencing and actively addressing disillusionment (or other challenges – we had plenty of them this semester!)is also an important aspect of personal and professional growth. Describe how you have grown as a result to experiencing and coping with challenges at the fieldwork site. 2.In addition to writing about what you have learned, think hard and write about what you still need to learn. Be specific about areas of growth and development that you will focus on next semester. It may help to think in terms of some of the categories above (knowledge, skills, attitudes, personal/professional growth, dealing with challenges). 3.This paper should be formatted in APA style (i.e.,running head, title page and reference page/citations – if needed). It should also be carefully proofed/edited for grammar and word usage errors. Length may vary, but it would be hard to cover all of the required areas thoughtfully in less than 4-5 pages.

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