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7ELW: You must include the role of the Employment Tribunal and other courts in the UK in enforcing t

Assessment brief

You are the HR Adviser in an organization and you have been asked to put together a 30-minute training session for a group of newly recruited line managers. You can presume that your audience has minimal experience in managing people and no experience with employment law.

The presentation will form part of their induction process, and the brief is to give an overview of the legal issues that they must understand when managing people. Specifically, you must cover:

1. The aims and objectives of employment law. You must include the role of the Employment Tribunal and other courts in the UK in enforcing the law, and the ways of settling disputes before and during the Employment Tribunal process.

2. The importance of ensuring that the recruitment and selection process of new employees is fair. In addressing this point you must outline the key issues relating to discrimination and explain how a contract of employment is created.

3. The law to be aware of as organizations change and develop. In addressing this you must highlight the processes to be followed when varying a contract of employment, managing redundancies, and addressing a transfer of undertaking.

4. The key rights that employees have during employment. Here you must cover working time, pay (including equal pay), and family-friendly rights specifically including maternity and paternity rights. Highlight the areas that you think are most important for line managers to know about. There should be an example of at least two implied duties and an explanation of what happens when these duties are breached (which will include a reference to constructive dismissal).

5. The protection that the law gives to employees. Here your employer has asked you to specifically address health and safety, the implied duties of the contract of employment, and freedom of association

6. How the law requires disciplinary situations relating to capability and conduct to be addressed. You must explain the procedures that line managers have to follow. You must explain the right of employees to be accompanied during formal disciplinary or grievance hearings.

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