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Argumentative academic essay

Assignment Brief You are required towrite an argumentative academic essay of 1500 words (excludingreference list) on the following statement: ‘Successful creativity,innovation and design thinking activities within organizations are dependent on the work of individual employees only’. In your essay, identify and definewhat is meant by creativity, innovation and design thinking, whether you agree,do not agree or partially agree with the statement and why youagree/disagree/partially disagree using relevant theory. You must also usereal-world corporate examples (e.g., examples from companies like Google, Teslaetc) to justify your stance.The purpose of thisAssignment is to develop students’ critical thinking skills and to test theirknowledge of relevant theory and course content.What is anargumentative academic essay?An argumentative academic essay is a piece ofwriting that examines and interprets a given ‘claim’ or ‘statement’ and defendsor refutes it with the use of theoretical and practical evidence. In such anessay, you are essentially building up and presenting your own argument(s) onthe statement while using scholarly (i.e., journal articles, textbooks,theories etc.) and practical evidence (e.g., corporate stories, news itemsrelating to companies etc) to support your arguments. Hence, you are not simplydescribing or summarising what others have said about a given statement butintroducing and developing your own arguments on it. Your arguments must bebacked by evidence if they are to be valid. Please refer to the following linkfor further information on argumentative academic essays: Link (Links to an externalsite.) Guidelines forwriting the argumentative academic essayIn writing yourargumentative academic essay, you may want to follow the following guidelines:1. Read the givenstatement carefully and understand what it means.2. Use coursecontent learned in class as well as external research done using scholarly workto further investigate the given statement. Remember to read critically on thistopic so that you are able to critically evaluate what others have said aboutthe topic and come to your own conclusions on the topic.3. Based on theresearch you have carried out, decide your ‘stance’ relating to this statement.Yourstance means whether you agree with it, disagree with it or partially agreewith it (you may agree with some aspects of the statement but disagree withother aspects). It’s very important that the argumentativeacademic essay clearly expresses the writer’s stance.4. Write youressay to include the arguments you want to set forth and use 3– 5 scholarly work and practical examples (at least 2) to support yourarguments. Structure of theargumentative academic essay:Yourargumentative academic essay must have the following components:1. Introduction:must include (a) the purpose of writing your essay (e.g., The purpose ofwriting this essay is to critically evaluate and put forth arguments on whethersuccessful creativity, innovation and design thinking activities are onlydependent on the work of individual employees) (b) thestance taken by you (e.g., I agree with the given statement) (c) the scope of the essay – what theories will be used in your essay, whatreal-world examples will be given in your essay (d) thestructure of the essay – what will you explain in body paragraph 1, what willyou explain in body paragraph 2 etc.2. Bodyparagraphs: Your argumentative academic essay can include 2-3 bodyparagraphs. You can give each paragraph a sub-heading if you wish. In the bodyparagraphs, you must provide scholarly definitions of what is creativity,innovation and design is, what arguments you present to support the stance youhave taken, and corporate examples as well. Remember that the stance you havewritten in the Introduction and the stance you take in the body paragraphs mustbe the same. You must also include in-text references of all scholarly work(i.e., journals, academic textbooks, e-books etc) and of non-scholarly work(i.e., company websites, newspaper articles, company videos etc) used.Non-scholarly work has to be cited when real-world corporate examples are usedto support your arguments. 3. Conclusion:Provide a brief summary of your essay4. References:List all scholarly and non-scholarly work you have used in the essay in thereference list. The reference list is not included in the word count.References should be in alphabetical order and in Harvard style. “Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!” The post Argumentative academic essay appeared first on Nursing Experts Help. “Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!”The post Argumentative academic essay first appeared on nursing writers.


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