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Assignment Logistics: 1. Include a title page that follows APA formatting re

Assignment Logistics: 1. Include a title page that follows APA formatting requirements. 2. Write a minimum of 1,000 words but do not exceed 1,100 words. This means you will have to work hard to be concise when you write. 3. Include an introduction paragraph that introduces the topic and the article (this comes after your title but before your first heading). 4. Divide your paper into 4 or 5 sections prompted by the list below. Each article is different so there is no standard format. Have a heading for each section (bold, centered, and written in title case). 5. Wrap up your article critique with a paragraph or two of conclusion and reflection. 6. Include a reference page at the end of your critique in flawless APA style. 7. Include no more than 2 quotes, if you choose to include any at all. The following criteria must be included in your Article Critique: 1. Summarize the article (a very short summary). 2. Critically analyze the author(s) main points. 3. Indicate the pros and cons of the article with regard to design, participants, setting, etc (refer to questions below for guidance on this) 4. Make your own recommendations to improve the article Before you read the article: · Read the abstract for a summary of the author’s arguments. · Study the list of references to determine what research contributed to the author’s arguments. Are the references recent? Do they represent important work in the field? · Consult Google Scholar and find the article. See if other scholars have cited the work (below the article click “cited by”). Reading the article: points to consider Read the article carefully. Record your impressions and note sections suitable for quoting. · Who is the intended audience? · What is the author’s purpose? To survey and summarize research on a topic? To present an argument that builds on past research. To refute another writer’s argument? · Does the author define important terms? · Is the information in the article fact or opinion? (Facts can be verified, while opinions arise from interpretations of facts) Does the information seem well-researched or is it unsupported? · What are the author’s central arguments or conclusions? Are they clearly stated? Are they supported by evidence and analysis? · If the article reports on an experiment or study, does the author clearly outline methodology and the expected result? · Is the article lacking information or argumentation that you expected to find? · Is the article organized logically and easy to follow? · Does the writer’s style suit the intended audience? Is the style stilted or unnecessarily complicated? · Is the author’s language objective or charged with emotion and bias? · If illustrations or charts are used, are they effective in presenting information? Students often lose points for the following errors. Make sure to double check these before submitting: 1. Incorrect running head 2. Missing institution name on title page 3. Incorrect citations, especially for three or more authors 4. Incorrect formatting of the article in the reference page. Pay special attention to the formatting of the article title as well as the journal title.

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