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At the end of the semester, you are asked to offer your analysis of the relation

At the end of the semester, you are asked to offer your analysis of the relationship of religion and media over time in a broader context than the narrow focus of each unit. Your paper should offer a creative, thoughtful, and critical answer to the questions, “what is the relationship of religion and media in general?” and “why does it matter?” Your papers should draw on course texts and at least three examples of the relationship you are naming. Write your paper for an audience that has done the reading thoroughly and taken notes; do not summarize the reading. The papers should (1) make an argument for the best way to understand the relationship of religion and media AND why that relationship matters by (2) offering evidence for your perspective that engages (3) close reading and a critical analysis of the texts we read and (4) at least three examples that illustrate your perspective. Your paper should also (5) address at least one potential counter-argument to your perspective. Papers should be 5-7 pages long and written in Times New Roman 12 pt font, 1” margins all around. Papers should be cited fully using The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. (available online through the library). The thinking must be rich and reflect serious engagement. Edit with care. – It should focus on the relationship between religion and media over time (1800s~2000s) – Please refer to the attached reading as much as possible. And if you use a different source, it must be the original source.

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