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Based on the diagnosis, outline the case relevant factors that describe the clie

Based on the diagnosis, outline the case relevant factors that describe the client’s symptoms and how they will become the points for the treatment plan. Refer to Chapter 13 and treatment plan videos posted in the first three weeks of class. Refer to Chapter 2 and summarize critical factors supporting Multicultural Counseling and Therapy (MCT). Select a specific therapeutic model for treatment. Incorporate critical factors from MCT. Identify three strengths and three weaknesses of the proposed theory from a multicultural perspective. Propose how you would adapt the theory to perform counseling for the person in the case study from a multicultural perspective. Select from the following listed models: Feminist Therapy Psychoanalytic Therapy (Freud) Adlerian Therapy (Adler) Existential Therapy Person-Centered Therapy (Rogers) Gestalt Therapy Cognitive Approaches (REBT/Ellis or CBT/Beck) Reality TherapyPost-Modern Approaches

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