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Begin this assignment by following these steps in the research process: Select a topic (“Why are cur

“) Look for reference materials that address the topic from a wide variety of sources. Focus on one particular question inside your topic to address in your paper. Develop your thesis based on your reading and your analysis. Make sure you have a strong thesis.  Can you answer “yes” to these questions about your thesis?Does the thesis respond to the prompt or address my research question? Could someone disagree with this thesis? Is the thesis derived from considering a wide variety of sources and statistics?

When you have a strong thesis and good information from research begin writing a rough draft of your paper.  Make sure to include the following components: Title Page Abstract with Key Words The Body of Your Paper including an Introduction and Conclusion with a Body length of 2-3 pages using APA style References In the Body of your Research Paper, begin with an Introductory Paragraph and end with a Concluding Paragraph. The paper will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign. Plagiarized papers, whether intentional or simply due to ignorance will receive a total grade of zero. Read the following information on plagiarism

The post Begin this assignment by following these steps in the research process: Select a topic (“Why are current wages lower than the cost of living in America.”)Look for reference materials that address the appeared first on learnedwriters.

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