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BOOK: Michael Herr, Dispatches You can find excerpts of the book online or the f

BOOK: Michael Herr, Dispatches You can find excerpts of the book online or the free book (If you need to buy i will add funds to cover that) Please answer the following questions in two double spaced pages, being sure to use direct quotations and specific examples from the book: Michael Herr observed some of the heaviest fighting in Vietnam as a war correspondent and interviewed many soldiers. How does he describe combat conditions and soldiers’ interactions with officers, Vietnamese civilians, and the enemy in Dispatches? In particular, what do his stories about the siege of Khe Sanh and soldiers’ experiences once they are out of combat (i.e. in Saigon) tell us about the nature of the Vietnam War? Finally, from his book, how is the Vietnam War similar to and different from other wars we have studied.

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