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Capella University Health Promotion Plan Depression Management PPTNURS-FPX4060 Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan PresentationCapella University Health Promotion Plan Depression Manageme

Capella University Health Promotion Plan Depression Management PPTNURS-FPX4060 Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan PresentationCapella University Health Promotion Plan Depression Management PPTQuestion DescriptionThis is a continuation of ASSESSMENT 1. All instructions attached. See RUBRICS scoring guide . Shooting for distinguished column pls.See details for proficiencyattachment_1attachment_2NURS-FPX4060 Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan PresentationBuild a slide presentation (PowerPoint preferred) of the hypothetical health promotion plan you developed in the first assessment. Then, implement your health promotion plan by conducting a hypothetical face-to-face educational session addressing the health concern and health goals of your selected group. How would you set goals for the session, evaluate session outcomes, and suggest possible revisions to improve future sessions?ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER ASSIGNMENT:  NURS-FPX4060 Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan PresentationAs you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an Effective Educational Session activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment as you consider key issues in conducting an effective educational session for a selected audience. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.Professional ContextHealth education is any combination of learning experiences designed to help community individuals, families, and aggregates improve their health by increasing knowledge or influencing attitudes (WHO, n.d.). Education is key to health promotion, disease prevention, and disaster preparedness. The health indicator framework identified in Healthy People 2020 prompts action in health services accessibility, clinical preventive services, environmental quality, injury or violence prevention, maternal, infant, and child health, mental health, nutrition, substance abuse prevention, and tobacco use cessation or prevention. NURS-FPX4060 Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan PresentationNurses provide accurate evidence-based information and education in formal and informal settings. They draw upon evidence-based practice to provide health promotion and disease prevention activities to create social and physical environments conducive to improving and maintaining community health. When provided with the tools to be successful, people demonstrate lifestyle changes (self-care) that promote health and help reduce readmissions. They are better able to tolerate stressors, including environmental changes, and enjoy a better quality of life. In times of crisis, a resilient community is a safer community (Healthy People 2020, n.d.; Flanders, 2018).This assessment provides an opportunity for you to apply teaching and learning concepts to the presentation of a health promotion plan.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 3: Evaluate health policies, based on their ability to achieve desired outcomes.

Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators.

Competency 4: Integrate principles of social justice in community health interventions.

Evaluate educational session outcomes and the attainment of agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health.

Present a health promotion plan to an individual or group within a community.Organize content with clear purpose/goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years).Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed audio and speaker notes are provided. Audio is clear, organized, and professionally presented. NURS-FPX4060 Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan Presentation

ReferencesU.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP). (n.d.). Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from, S. A. (2018). Effective patient education: Evidence and common sense. Medsurg Nursing, 27(1), 55–58.Note: This is the second part of a two-part assessment. You must complete Assessment 1 before completing this assessment.PreparationFor this assessment, you will conclude the clinical learning activity you began in Assessment 1.You will resume the role of a community nurse tasked with addressing the specific health concern in your community. This time, you will present, via educational outreach, the hypothetical health promotion plan you developed in Assessment 1 to your fictitious audience. In this hypothetical scenario, you will simulate the presentation as though it would be live and face-to-face. You must determine an effective teaching strategy, communicate the plan with professionalism and cultural sensitivity, evaluate the objectives of the plan, revise the plan as applicable, and propose improvement for future educational sessions. To engage your audience, you decide to develop a PowerPoint presentation with voice-over and speaker notes to communicate your plan.Remember that your first assessment (Assessment 1) MUST be satisfactorily completed to initiate this assessment (Assessment 4).Please review the assessment scoring guide for more information.To prepare for the assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an Effective Educational Session simulation. You may also wish to review the health promotion plan presentation assessment and scoring guide to ensure that you understand all requirements.Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft plan to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.InstructionsComplete the following:

Prepare a 10–12 slide PowerPoint presentation with a voice-over and detailed speaker notes that reflects your hypothetical presentation. This presentation is the implementation of the plan you created in Assessment 1. The speaker notes should be a transcript of the voice-over (please refer to the PowerPoint tutorial).Simulate the hypothetical face-to-face educational session addressing the health concern and health goals of your selected community individual or group.Imagine collaborating with the hypothetical participant(s) in setting goals for the session, evaluating session outcomes, and suggesting possible revisions to improve future sessions. NURS-FPX4060 Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan Presentation

As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an Effective Educational Session activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment as you consider key issues in conducting an effective educational session for a selected audience. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.Presentation Format and LengthYou may use Microsoft PowerPoint (preferred) or other suitable presentation software to create your presentation. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.The number of content slides in your presentation is dictated by nature and scope of your health promotion plan. Be sure to include title and references slides per the following:

Title slide:

Health promotion plan title.Your name.Date.Course number and title.

References (at the end of your presentation).

Be sure to apply correct APA formatting to your references.

The following resources will help you create and deliver an effective presentation:

Record a Slide Show With Narration and Slide Timings.

This Microsoft article provides steps for recording slide shows in different versions of PowerPoint, including steps for Windows, Mac, and online.

Microsoft Office Software.

This Campus page includes tip sheets and tutorials for Microsoft PowerPoint.

PowerPoint Presentations Library Guide.

This library guide provides links to PowerPoint and other presentation software resources.

SoNHS Professional Presentation Guidelines [PPTX].

This presentation, designed especially for the School of Nursing and Health Sciences, offers valuable tips and links, and is itself a PowerPoint template that can be used to create a presentation.

Supporting EvidenceSupport your plan with at least three professional or scholarly references, published within the last 5 years, which may include peer-reviewed articles, course study resources, and Healthy People 2020 resources.Graded RequirementsThe requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the assessment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

Present your health promotion plan to your hypothetical audience.

Tailor the presentation to the needs of your hypothetical audience.Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.

Evaluate educational session outcomes and the attainment of agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.

Which aspects of the session would you change?How might those changes improve future outcomes?

Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators.

What changes would you recommend to better align the session with Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators?

Organize content with clear purpose/goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years).Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed audio and speaker notes are provided. Audio is clear, organized, and professionally presented.

Additional RequirementsBefore submitting your assessment, proofread your presentation slides and speaker’s notes to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it difficult for them to focus on the substance of your presentation.Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final capstone course.

Scoring Guide

Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.

attachment_14/9/2020 Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan Presentation … 1/4Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan PresentationBuild a slide presentation (PowerPoint preferred) of the health promotion plan you developed in the firstassessment. Then, implement your health promotion plan by conducting a face-to-face educational sessionaddressing the health concern and health goals of your selected community member or group. In addition,collaborate with any participants in setting goals for the session, evaluating session outcomes, and suggestingpossible revisions to improve future sessions.As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an EffectiveEducational Session activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with theassessment as you consider key issues in conducting an effective educational session for a selected audience.Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.Professional ContextHealth education is any combination of learning experiences designed to help community individuals, families, andaggregates improve their health by increasing knowledge or influencing attitudes (WHO, 2018). Education is key tohealth promotion, disease prevention, and disaster preparedness. The health indicator framework identified inHealthy People 2020 helps motivate action in such areas as health service access, clinical preventive services,environmental quality, injury or violence, maternal, infant and child health, mental health, nutrition, substance abuse,and tobacco use.Nurses provide accurate evidence-based information and education in various formal and informal settings. Theydraw upon evidence-based practice to provide health promotion and disease prevention activities to create socialand physical environments conducive to improving and maintaining community health. When provided with thetools to be successful, people demonstrate lifestyle changes (self-care) that promote health and help reducereadmissions. They are better able to tolerate stressors, including environmental changes, and enjoy a better qualityof life. In times of crisis, a resilient community is a safer community (ODPHP, n.d.; Flanders, 2018).This assessment provides an opportunity for you to apply teaching and learning concepts to the presentation of ahealth promotion plan.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following coursecompetencies and assessment criteria:Competency 3: Evaluate health policies, based on their ability to achieve desired outcomes.Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goalsand leading health indicators.Competency 4: Integrate principles of social justice in community health interventions.Evaluate educational session outcomes and the attainment of agreed-upon health goals incollaboration with participants.Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improvepopulation health.Course Navigation Candace McAlesterFACULTY 26 NEWJamie HolubCOACHTutorials Support Log Out Roslyn Ellis 334/9/2020 Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan Presentation … 2/4Present a health promotion plan to an individual or group within a community.ReferencesU.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP). (n.d.).Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from, S. A. (2018). Effective patient education: Evidence and common sense. Medsurg Nursing, 27(1), 55–58.Note: This is the second part of a two-part assessment. You must complete Assessment 1 before completing thisassessment.PreparationThis assessment builds upon Assessment 1 where you contacted and secured local individuals or group in yourcommunity who were open to a presentation about a health concern and health promotion strategies. Once again,you will assume the role of a community nurse tasked with addressing the specific health concern within your chosencommunity. This time, you will implement the health promotion plan that you developed in Assessment 1 as aPowerPoint presentation. This presentation must be live and face-toface. You know that you must determine aneffective teaching strategy, communicate the plan with professionalism and cultural sensitivity, obtain input on thevalue of the plan to the individual or group, and revise the plan, as applicable, to improve future educationalsessions. To engage your audience, you decide to develop a slide presentation to communicate your plan. A copy ofthe slide presentation could also be given to the individual or group for future reference.Remember that your first assessment (Assessment 1) MUST be satisfactorily completed to initiate this assessment(Assessment 4). These assessments meet the three-hour clinical learning experience required in this coursePlease review the assessment scoring guide for more information.To prepare for the assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an EffectiveEducational Session simulation. You may also wish to review the health promotion plan presentation assessment andscoring guide to ensure that you understand all requirements.Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft plan to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedbackbefore you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of theturnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.InstructionsComplete the following:1. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of the health promotion plan you developed in Assessment 1, withdetailed speaker’s notes that include your evaluation of session outcomes. Speaker notes should reflect whatyou will actually say when you conduct the face-to-face session.2. Implement your health promotion plan by conducting a face-to-face educational session addressing thehealth concern and health goals of your chosen participants. Collaborate with the participants in settingsession goals, evaluating outcomes, and suggesting possible revisions to improve future sessions.As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an EffectiveEducational Session activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with theassessment as you consider key issues in conducting an effective educational session for a selected audience.Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.4/9/2020 Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan Presentation … 3/4Completion of this assessment, and the course, requires that you spend a minimum of three hours face-to-faceworking with your identified patient who may be a community member or group. Remember that it is a requirementto log your direct clinical hours in the CORE ELMS system.Please be advised that the Volunteer Experience form requires that you provide the name and contactinformation for at least one individual with whom you worked as part of your direct clinical activity. Your facultymay reach out to this individual to verify that you have accurately documented and completed your clinicalhours.PRESENTATION FORMAT AND LENGTHYou may use Microsoft PowerPoint (preferred) or other suitable presentation software to create your slides. If youelect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.The number of content slides in your presentation is dictated by nature and scope of your health promotion plan. Besure to include title and references slides per the following:Title slide:Health promotion plan title.Your name.Date.Course number and title.References (at the end of your presentation).Be sure to apply correct APA formatting to your references.The following resources will help you create and deliver an effective presentation:Record a Slide Show With Narration and Slide Timings.This Microsoft article provides steps for recording slide shows in different versions of PowerPoint,including steps for Windows, Mac, and online.Microsoft Office Software.This Campus page includes tip sheets and tutorials for Microsoft PowerPoint.PowerPoint Presentations Library Guide.This library guide provides links to PowerPoint and other presentation software resources.SoNHS Professional Presentation Guidelines [PPTX].This presentation, designed especially for the School of Nursing and Health Sciences, offers valuabletips and links, and is itself a PowerPoint template that can be used to create a presentation.SUPPORTING EVIDENCESupport your plan with at least three professional or scholarly references, which may include peer-reviewed articles,course study resources, and Healthy People 2020 resources.GRADED REQUIREMENTSThe requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the assessment scoring guide, so be sure toaddress each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will beassessed.Present your health promotion plan to your chosen audience.Tailor the presentation to the needs of your audience.Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.Evaluate educational session outcomes and the attainment of agreed-upon health goals in collaboration withparticipants.4/9/2020 Assessment 4 Instructions: Health Promotion Plan Presentation … 4/4Which aspects of the session would you change?How might those changes improve future outcomes?Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goals andleading health indicators.What changes would you recommend to better align the session with Healthy People 2020 goals andleading health indicators?Additional RequirementsBefore submitting your assessment, proofread your presentation slides and speaker’s notes to minimize errors thatcould distract readers and make it difficult for them to focus on the substance of your presentation.Reminder: It is required that you log the face-to-face time in the CORE ELMS system. The time you spent securingindividual or group participation in Assessment 1 and the time you spend presenting your final health promotionplan to the selected individual or group in Assessment 4 counts as direct clinical contact and must total at least threehours. The CORE ELMS link is located in the left-hand navigation pane.Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you completethe final capstone course.SCORING GUIDEUse the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.VIEW SCORING GUIDE attachment_24/9/2020 Health Promotion Plan Presentation Scoring Guide 1/1Health Promotion Plan Presentation Scoring GuideCRITERIANONPERFORMANCEBASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHEDPresent a healthpromotion plan toan individual oraggregate within acommunity.Does notpresent ahealthpromotionplan toparticipant(s)within acommunity.Presents a healthpromotion plan toparticipant(s) with slidesthat lack clear purpose,coherence, or focus.Slides are not supportedor add value to thepresentation, exhibitpoor design, are hard toread, or inaudible. Nospeaker notes areprovided.Presents a healthpromotion planthat is appropriatefor theparticipant(s).Slides enhancekey points andadhere to visualdesign bestpractice but withno audio and/orspeaker notes.Presents a professional,evidence-based, and engagingpresentation with clear audioappropriate for the participant(s).The plan is based on specific,identified health needs andgoals, and is well supported byerror-free slides that enhancekey points and adhere to visualdesign best practices. Providesspeaker notes.Evaluateeducational sessionoutcomes and theattainment ofagreed-upon healthgoals incollaboration withparticipants.Does notevaluateeducationalsessionoutcomes andtheattainment ofagreed-uponhealth goalsincollaborationwithparticipants.Evaluates educationalsession outcomes andthe attainment of healthgoals withoutcollaborating withparticipants.Evaluateseducationalsession outcomesand theattainment ofagreed-uponhealth goals incollaboration withparticipants.Evaluates educational sessionoutcomes and the attainment ofagreed-upon health goals incollaboration with participants.Clearly explains the need forrevisions to future educationalsessions.Evaluateeducational sessionoutcomes in termsof progress madetoward HealthyPeople 2020 goalsand leading healthindicators.Does notevaluateeducationalsessionoutcomes interms ofprogressmade towardHealthyPeople 2020goals andleading healthindicators.Evaluates educationalsession outcomesunrelated to progresstoward Healthy People2020 goals and leadinghealth indicators.Evaluateseducationalsession outcomesin terms ofprogress madetoward HealthyPeople 2020goals and leadinghealth indicators.Evaluates educational sessionoutcomes in terms of progressmade toward Healthy People2020 goals and leading healthindicators. Clearly explains theneed for revisions to better alignfuture sessions with HealthyPeople 2020 goals.


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