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Case Analysis: Emerging US Health Care System

Case Analysis: Emerging US Health Care System

Read Case 1, The Community, in The Middleboro Casebook, pp. 1-32, study graphs at end of case.  In three to five pages address the questions below in sections A and B in an APA formatted paper, double-spaced, 1-inch margins.

1.     The Community

A.    Demographic and Population Analysis

We need an analysis of the population changes and characteristics in Hillsboro County. Please address each of the following questions and provide appropriate quantitative justification to support your conclusions and recommendations Case Analysis: Emerging US Health Care System

1.         Over the past five and ten years, which of the communities located in Hillsboro County have grown faster than the overall rate of population increase in Hillsboro County? Over the last five and ten years, which of the communities in Hillsboro County have grown slower than the overall rate of population growth in Hillsboro County?

2.         What should we expect the population to be as of 2025 for all towns located in Hillsboro County? Case Analysis: Emerging US Health Care System

3.         To what degree does the age profile of Hillsboro County resemble the overall age profile demographic of the United States? Which towns in the county are the “oldest” and the “youngest?”

4.         Assess the implications of your findings related to the delivery of health services in the county.

B.     Hillsboro County Health Analysis

 Using the available data, indicate the top ten health challenges facing residents in this county. Use the state of New Hampshire or your state for purposes of reference. Note that Capital City is not in Hillsboro County. For Hillsboro County list your findings in priority order with explanations and rationale. What are the implications of your findings on the organized health services in the county?

1.      Visit’s Prevention Status Reports for NH or your state of residence. Case Analysis: Emerging US Health Care System

2.      View your reference state’s PSR:

3.      Are any of the top ten health challenges facing residents in Hillsboro County preventable?  Are they hereditary?  Are they due to environmental factors?  Are they attributable to other social determinants of health?  Is Hillsboro County similar or unique than your reference state?  How so?  Why might that be the case?


Many people regard Hillsboro County as a comfortable place to raise a family. It is an area known for its social and economic stability. While the residents are generally aware of national and world events, the local media coverage is dominated by news about the area’s youth teams, social and fraternal organizations, church outings, and high school sports. Multiple gen- erations of families live in Middleboro and the surrounding towns that make up Hillsboro County. Case Analysis: Emerging US Health Care System

demogrAphic chArAcTeriSTicS Middleboro and Hillsboro County are classifi ed as non–metropolitan areas. Middleboro has been the economic, political, and social hub for Hillsboro County. Th e average family size is 2.57 people. Basic demographic data are given in tables 1.1 through 1.3 at the end of this case. (Note that the entire casebook is set at the start of 2020, so all tables are dated for the preceding years.)

Th e other major town in Hillsboro County is Jasper, located 23 miles southeast of Middleboro. Jasper is a growing community that benefi ts from being close to Capital City, the state capital. Jasper is becoming a bedroom community for Capital City and is continuing to develop as an economy that is independent from Middleboro. Case Analysis: Emerging US Health Care System

Access to Middleboro is limited to rail (freight), bus, automobile, and truck. The majority of private and commercial travel is done on the auxiliary four-lane, east–west interstate highway, which is typically closed an average of three days per year because of weather conditions. Commercial air travel is available in Capital City. The mountains on the east and west make winter travel outside Middleboro especially difficult. The fertile valleys on the north and south are known for agricultural activities. Case Analysis: Emerging US Health Care System

Outside of Middleboro and Jasper, the population lives in small, scattered villages. The only transportation linkages to Middleboro from these scattered communities are the rural county and state highways. Limited bus service is available throughout Hillsboro County. Middleboro serves as the regional transportation hub, and the bus station in Middleboro offers connections to major population centers in the state. Jasper is also served by this bus system. Recently, a commuter bus system began linking Jasper with Capital City.

Hillsboro County stretches 45 miles to the north, 15 miles to the west, 28 miles to the east, and 37 miles to the south of Middleboro. Seventy-one percent of the total area is developed, and the remainder is taken up by forest, the state park, and rivers. This area experiences four distinct seasons, but tourists find it especially attractive during the fall and spring. Sports of all types play an important role in the life of its communities. Table 1.4 indicates the miles between the communities located in Hillsboro County. Case Analysis: Emerging US Health Care System

Middleboro is located along Swift River, which was instrumental in the commercial development of the city in the early 1800s. Before the turn of the century, Swift River and the commercial barges that traversed it were the city’s primary linkage with the rest of the state. Now the river is used for recreational purposes, and some limited redevelopment of the riverside property has begun.

Swift River divides Middleboro into two almost equal parts. The north side of the river is the site of the central business district, large manufacturing plants, the railroad station, older residential neighborhoods, and the county government. During the 1970s, federal funds were used to develop low-income housing on the north side. The south side of the river, which is closer to the interstate highway, is the site of newer residential neighborhoods, the new Middleboro High School, and small shopping centers. To date, the City of Middleboro has not approved any significant development—residential or commercial—in the vacant 150-acre land adjacent to the interstate highway Case Analysis: Emerging US Health Care System

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