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CH. 17 Discussion Read Chapter 17, view videos on the module and watch the video

CH. 17 Discussion Read Chapter 17, view videos on the module and watch the video the “Last Lecture” on youtube: Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams (Links to an external site.) Answer the following questions. Include a minimum of two in-text citations (in 7th edition APA style ) in your entire post from the textbook or from a journal article. Post the References at the bottom of the POST. The POST (15 points) must be submitted first then the REPLY (5 points) second to a peer. Respond to at least one other peer’s posting (more is great!). The REPLY must be based on your peer’s POST and must be substantive and more than a compliment but rather take a position, ask questions, discuss what the peer explained in their POST. POST (15 points) and REPLY (5 points) to a minimum of one peer. Total 20 points. Consider the Kubler-Ross’s stage theory, and explain how Randy Pausch’s responses to dying fit with this theory. What stage do you believe Dr. Pausch is currently experiencing? Why? What lessons from life has he learned that he passed on to others? Who is the primary audience that Randy was directing his lecture to? Why is this more of a motivational video vs. a depressing video? What did you personally learn from this lecture? Why is this lecture such an important topic for everyone to view?

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