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CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services ( Due Date Monday) (Total words – 200

CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services ( Due Date Monday) (Total words – 200) Reference required at the end of every question and reference will be simple not any type of style it will be like this – Question 4 Briefly explain how the following characteristics can affect communication: 1. Language 2. Culture 3. Religion ( for this question need to cover these things – 1. Language : Your answer needs to reflect how it may affect communication? 2. Culture: mentioned how culture might impact on how one communicates or impacts communication. 3. Religion: Try reflecting on how different reglious believes may affect how things are perseved and or communicated. Question 8 Briefly explain the following different models to support optimum client service:

1. Principles of rights-based service delivery 2. Different roles and responsibilities of team 3. Characteristics of multi-disciplinary teams and how they are used 4. Role of support services Question- 12 5. List five examples of health and community services industry terminology relating to role and service provision. Provide an explanation for each


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