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CHCDIV001Work with diverse people CHCDIV001 Work with

CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work respectfully with people from diverse social and cultural groups and situations, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. This unit applies to all workers Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions. Where simulation is used, it must reflect real working conditions by modelling industry operating conditions and contingencies, as well as, using suitable facilities, equipment and resources How to work through this assessment This assessment is designed to assess your performance of competency for the unit CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people. Your assessor or workplace supervisor will help you fully understand assessment requirements for this unit. The features of this assessment are detailed in the following table. Feature of the assessment resource Explanation Assessment information and scope This section provides details of the unit of competency covered, setting out information about the aims of the unit, what areas are covered, how the assessment tasks must be completed and how the assessment is conducted. Assessment tasks This section outlines the assessment tasks in detail, including the relevant documentation you need to complete and submit along with your assessment tasks. Record of outcome As you progress through the assessment tasks, your assessor will use the record of outcome to confirm your performance and provide relevant advice and feedback. Before you commence your Assessment tasks, you should review the information provided by NIET about assessment. You should not commence your Assessment tasks until you have read and understood this information. NIET will provide information about assessment while on practical placement, including specific timelines. . Assessment information and scope Who is the assessment designed for? The assessment is designed for candidates to demonstrate their competency having completed formal learning experiences in this unit. Assessment may occur in real and/or simulated work environments. Candidates may be undertaking the unit in a range of learning situations, including private study, via a traineeship arrangement or via other workplace-supported means. What are the aims of the assessment tasks? This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work respectfully with people from diverse social and cultural groups and situations, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. This unit applies to all workers. The key outcomes are: • Reflect on own perspectives • Appreciate diversity and inclusiveness, and their benefits • Communicate with people from diverse backgrounds and situations • Promote understanding across diverse groups Prerequisites and co-requisites There are no prerequisites or co-requisites for the unit. Legislative and licensing requirements The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice. Assessment tasks To demonstrate your competency using this final assessment you must successfully complete four assessment tasks. Complete the following task Part A – Questioning You will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements in your responses. . Resubmissions If you are marked not yet satisfactory for a task, you will be given the chance to resubmit. You will have up to three opportunities to resubmit each assessment task. If, after the third attempt, the assessment is still not satisfactory your trainer/assessor will make alternative arrangements for assessment. To make an appeal about an assessment decision, refer to the assessment appeals process in the Student Handbook. Authenticity Requirements Copying or passing off someone’s work as your own is a form plagiarism and may result in a participant’s exclusion from a unit or the entire course. The following activities will be considered plagiarism: • Presenting any work by another individual as one’s own intentionally or unintentionally • Handing in work copied from another student. • Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work. • Handing in work without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including work taken totally or in part from the internet

Part A – Questions Question 4 Outline the specific social and cultural needs of people who practise a religion. (state the religion e.g. Hindu, clearly so the assessor can respond accordingly) Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 5 Outline the specific social and cultural needs of people with a disability. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 6 Use a specific example to outline how an individual’s culture and the community attitudes, language, policies and structures impact on how they work with diverse groups. (clearly state the culture) Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 7 How do diversity practices and experience impact on an individual’s behaviour, interpersonal relationships, perception and social expectations of others? Use an example in your response. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 8 (a) Provide an example of one social, one political and one economic issue that affects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and (b) Discuss the impact of these issues in relation to the workplace. Answer Social Issue: Impact: Political Issue: Impact: Economic Issue: Impact: Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 9 Describe steps that could be taken to improve the likelihood of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples accessing the health or welfare services they require. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 10 Describe ways to improve social awareness and self-awareness in the workplace, using two examples. Answer Example 1 Example 2 Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 14 Outline how to demonstrate understanding and acceptance of gender diversity. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 15 How does intersex identity differ from gender identity? Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 16 How might generational factors impact one’s work with people? Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 17 (a) What does sexual orientation mean, and (b) What terms are commonly used to describe a person’s sexual orientation? Answer (a) (b) Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 18 Outline how the policy of assimilation in Australia affects people from diverse backgrounds. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 19 (a) What is the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) and (b) How could it assist people from diverse groups? Answer (a) (b) Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 20 Identify three ways diversity benefits the Australian economy. Answer 1. 2. 3. Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 21 Identify one way that diversity has impacted Australian culture. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 22 How can changes in Australian society positively impact the Australian community and the diverse communities within Australia? Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 23 (a) Identify the international, national, state/territory and local laws that apply when workers discriminate against a person on the basis of their age. (b) Explain how a breach is responded to. Answer (a) (b) Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 24 Identify the international, national, state/territory and local laws that apply when workers discriminate against a person on the basis of a disability. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 25 Identify the international, national, state/territory and local laws that apply when workers discriminate against a person on the basis of race. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 26 Identify the international, national, state/territory and local laws that apply when workers discriminate against a person on the basis of their sex. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 27 (a) Describe what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is. (b) What is an example of a breach of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? (c) How could you respond to a breach of human rights? Answer (a) (b) (c Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 28 What is the relationship between human rights and human needs? Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 29 (a) Explain what the AHRC Act is and (b) How it helps to protect human rights. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 30 Provide an example of a protective factor for physical, emotional and mental issues. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 31 For each of the following marginalised groups, provide an example of a need they may experience: (a) People marginalised because of physical factors (b) People marginalised because of mental factors (c) People marginalised because of emotional factors Answer (a) (b) (c) Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 32 Provide an example of each of the following impacts that can be experienced by people who are marginalised because of physical needs: (a) Discrimination (b) Trauma (c) Exclusion (d) Negative attitudes Answer (a) (b) (c) (d) Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 33 (a) Provide an example of one issue that may cause communication difficulty or misunderstanding in the workplace. (b) Explain the appropriate response. Answer (a) (b) Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 34 Identify the verbal and non-verbal responses to make if misunderstandings or difficulties occur as a result of diversity issues. Answer Verbal response Non-verbal response Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 35 Outline how to respond sensitively to a difficulty in a workplace that occurs due to diversity. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 36 Who should you contact if you were involved in a conflict that stemmed from diversity issues and your supervisor was not contactable? Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Table of Contents CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services 3 How to work through this assessment 3 Assessment information and scope 3 Assessment tasks 4 Resubmissions 4 Authenticity Requirements 4 Part A – Questions 5 Student Declaration 23 Record of Assessment 24

CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, management and other industry providers. This unit applies to a range of health and community service contexts where workers may communicate face-to-face, in writing or using digital media and work with limited responsibility under direct or indirect supervision. Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions. Where simulation is used, it must reflect real working conditions by modelling industry operating conditions and contingencies, as well as, using suitable facilities, equipment and resources. How to work through this assessment This assessment is designed to assess your performance of competency for the unit CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services. Your assessor or workplace supervisor will help you fully understand assessment requirements for this unit. The features of this assessment are detailed in the following table. Feature of the assessment resource Explanation Assessment information and scope This section provides details of the unit of competency covered, setting out information about the aims of the unit, what areas are covered, how the assessment tasks must be completed and how the assessment is conducted. Assessment tasks This section outlines the assessment tasks in detail, including the relevant documentation you need to complete and submit along with your assessment tasks. Record of assessment As you progress through the assessment tasks, your assessor will use the record of outcome to confirm your performance and provide relevant advice and feedback. Before you commence your Assessment tasks, you should review the information provided by your training organisation about assessment. You should not commence your Assessment tasks until you have read and understood this information. Your training organisation must also provide information about assessment while on practical placement, including specific timelines. Assessment information and scope Who is the assessment designed for? The assessment is designed for candidates to demonstrate their competency having completed formal learning experiences in this unit. Assessment may occur in real and/or simulated work environments. Candidates may be undertaking the unit in a range of learning situations, including private study, via a traineeship arrangement or via other workplace-supported means. What are the aims of the assessment tasks? This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, management and other industry providers. This unit applies to a range of health and community service contexts where workers may communicate face-to-face, in writing or using digital media and work with limited responsibility under direct or indirect supervision. The key outcomes are: • communicate effectively with people • collaborate with colleagues • address constraints to communication • report problems to supervisor • complete workplace correspondence and documentation • contribute to continuous improvement Prerequisites and co-requisites There are no prerequisites or co-requisites for the unit. Legislative and licensing requirements The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice. Assessment tasks To demonstrate competency for this unit, you must successfully complete the following assessment tasks. Complete the following task Part A – Questioning You will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements in your responses. Resubmissions If you are marked not yet satisfactory for a task, you will be given the chance to resubmit. You will have up to three opportunities to resubmit each assessment task. If, after the third attempt, the assessment is still not satisfactory your trainer/assessor will make alternative arrangements for assessment. To make an appeal about an assessment decision, refer to the assessment appeals process in the Student Handbook Authenticity Requirements Copying or passing off someone’s work as your own is a form plagiarism and may result in a participant’s exclusion from a unit or the entire course. The following activities will be considered plagiarism: • Presenting any work by another individual as one’s own intentionally or unintentionally • Handing in work copied from another student. • Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work. • Handing in work without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including work taken totally or in part from the internet

Part A – Questions Question 5 Explain how language choice can influence the way we communicate. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 6 Explain how cultural differences can influence the way we communicate with each other, and where to get assistance if unsure about cultural practices and values. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 7 Explain how religious differences can influence the way we communicate with each other. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 8 Explain how emotional states can influence the way we communicate with each other. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 9 Explain how disability can influence the way we communicate with each other. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 10 Explain how one’s state of health can influence the way we communicate with each other. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 11 Explain how age can influence the way we communicate with each other. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 12 Give two examples of ways to keep your written communication clear and easily understood when you communicate service information to a diverse range of readers. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 13 What does maintaining confidentiality of information mean and how does one maintain confidentiality? Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 14 Explain why it is important to understand community services terminology relating to a community worker’s role when providing a service to a person. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 15 Give two examples of potential constraints to effective communication with people receiving services. Answer 1 2 Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 16 How does a motivational interviewing technique differ from a coercive interviewing approach? Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 17 Explain the difference between collaboration and confrontation when managing conflict situations. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 18 Explain the legal and ethical considerations relating to a person’s privacy. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 19 Explain the legal and ethical considerations relating to confidentiality. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 20 When is it legitimate to ‘disclose’ private information about a person in receipt of care? Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 21 Explain the legal and ethical considerations relating to discrimination. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 22 What is meant by the term ‘duty of care’ and what are its legal and ethical considerations? Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 23 Explain the legal and ethical considerations relating to mandatory reporting. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 24 Explain the legal and ethical considerations relating to the use of translation services. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 25 Explain the legal and ethical considerations relating to the use of informed consent. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 26 Explain why it is important to know the requirements, boundaries and limitations of your work role. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 27 Identify two potential sources of information in the community services environment. Answer 1 2 Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 28 Explain what legal and ethical considerations apply to all sources of information. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 29 What is meant by ‘ethical decision-making’? Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 30 Explain what is meant by ‘conflicts of interest’ and how they arise. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 31 Describe the main types of breaches in standard procedures that community services workers are most likely to encounter. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 32 List at least two issues that may prevent the achievement of workplace rights and responsibilities. Answer 1 2 Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 33 Explain how digital media is used in community services. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 34 Explain how email is used in the community services sector. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 35 Explain how social media is used in the community services sector. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 36 Explain the meaning of digital podcasts and digital videos, and why they are useful to those in the community services sector. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 37 Explain how tablets and applications are used in the community services sector. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 38 Explain how digital newsletters and broadcasts are used in the community services sector. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 39 Describe the importance of intranet use within the community services sector. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 40 Explain what ‘person-centred’ means in relation to providing community services. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 41 Give two examples of how a person-centred approach can empower people. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 42 Explain what is meant by a ‘rights-based service delivery’ and give two principles of this approach to care. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 43 Explain how a team’s roles and responsibilities within an organisation can support optimum service delivery. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 44 What is a multidisciplinary team? Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 45 Explain two ways that multidisciplinary teams are used to support optimum service delivery. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 46 Explain the ways in which relationships between different members of the community services sector can optimise the delivery of care. Answer Mar king q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 47 Explain the role of support services. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 48 Explain how links and interrelationships between community service organisations help to support people accessing services. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory Question 49 Give three examples of possible funding sources in the community services sector. Answer Marking q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory


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