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Cherry County file attached

Principles: Which one of Seckler-Hudson’s management principles needs the most attention by the agency? Why? Who should lead the change? How should that person go about it? Theory: Which one of the following organizational theories/applications should be used to change the agency’s culture? Why? Which specific aspect of the theory will be beneficial to the agency? Why? Which specific aspect of the theory will possibly be detrimental? Why? What recommendation would you make to address this possible problem? ✓ Fayol’s General Theory of Management ✓ Luther Gulick’s POSDCORB ✓ Selznick’s co-optation ✓ Bolman and Deal’s modern structural organization theory Bureaucracy: Which aspect of the bureaucracy appears to be helping the agency’s efforts? Why? Which aspect of the bureaucracy appears to be hindering the agency’s efforts? Why? Theory: Clearly relations with the staff, community, and courtroom need improvement. However, for this case and question, staff relations will be the focus. Which theory of organizational behavior below should be applied to this case? Why?

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