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Compare and contrast two films that take place in the same decade (must be a fil

Compare and contrast two films that take place in the same decade (must be a film made during or after the 1970s). You can compare a documentary film with a commercial film. Your choices are not limited to the fashions and dress practices discussed in lectures and readings. Think about the wardrobe choices featured in the film. How does each film accurately reflect the style trends and designs of its time? Think about the city the film is set in and consider popular consumer habits. How was fashion experienced at the time (ie. runway shows, custom designs, window displays, e-commerce, mall stores, etc.) You must include a Work Cited page. Use at least five different sources to elaborate on your research- this includes articles, essays, documentary material, behind-the-scenes footage, interviews, podcasts, etc. Make sure to cite any information that is not your original thought (as it would be considered plagiarism if you don’t). 1 separate title page, separate Work Cited pages at the end, MLA format, 12-point font, double spaced, 1” margin, and cite any images included.

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