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Competence with Multicultural Populations: Research and Practice (with the focus on African

Competence with Multicultural Populations: Research and Practice

(with the focus on African American women with gestational diabetes)

***Please use APA citation (including 2-3 in-text citations with page note in each paragraph, use the page number as it appears on the original journal), see sample:

Sample of a paragraph cited from Reading #4

According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM, 2017), structural equities are “systemic disadvantages of one social group compared to others” with whom they coexist, which includes law, policy, and culture (p. 100). The policy is a leading driver of structural inequities on all levels such as state, county, and organizational levels that can shape health opportunities and outcomes. Furthermore, structural inequalities are “the personal, interpersonal, institutional, and systemic drivers” to racism, classism, sexism, and homophobia (p. 100). Structural inequities are also influenced by social, cultural, and environmental determinants of health that can impact one’s personal lived experiences. Lastly, structural inequities, “inequities “pose a limit in reaching people’s full health potential” (NASEM, 2017, p. 102).


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2017. Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.


Identify some of the health disparities, health challenges and issues that are impediments to African American women with gestational diabetes achieving the goal of health equity? (100 words)

Please use recent research articles (since 2015)

As foundation concepts, what are the definitions of cultural humility, cultural competence, and multicultural competencies, structural competence, structural humility and structural racism?

Please use Reading #2

Length = 2-3 paragraphs (Total~300 words)

In what way does the study of health disparities and health equity serve as a valuable approach to understanding the depth and breadth of issues facing contemporary multicultural populations?

Please use Reading #3

Length = 1-2 paragraphs (Total~200 words)

In what way does the study of social determinants of risk and health disparities provide a valuable framework for understanding the depth and breadth of issues facing contemporary multicultural populations?

Please use Reading #4

Length = 1 paragraph (Total~100 words)

As professionals, what constitutes our adaptive affective, behavior, and cognitive coping responses to diversity and multicultural populations? And, what maladaptive affective, behavioral, and cognitive coping responses are to be avoided, and/or transformed?

Please use Reading #5

Wallace, B.C. (2003). A multicultural approach to violence: Toward a psychology of oppression, liberation, and identity development. In B. C. Wallace, and R. T. Carter (Eds.). pp.3-39. Understanding and Dealing with Violence: A Multicultural Approach, Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, California.

Wallace, B.C. (2000). A Call for Change in Multicultural Training at Graduate Schools of Education: Educating to End Oppression and for Social Justice, Teachers College Record, Vol 102, No 6, 1086-1111.

Wallace, B.C. (2000). Mental Health: The Influence of Culture on the Development of Theory and Practice, In Carter, R.T. (Ed.) Addressing Cultural Issues in Organizations: Beyond the Corporate Context, California: Sage Publications.

Length = 1100 words

What is evidence-based advocacy and what are some advocacy recommendations for moving toward health equity for African American women with gestational diabetes?

Please use Reading #6 and recent journal articles

Length = 600 words

Given the focus on African American women with gestational diabetes, what have you come to realize, as a result of your readings? What universal truths or insights apply to diverse multicultural populations, in general?

Length = 300 words

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