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“Complicated” is a word often used to describe a relationship that is neither 10

“Complicated” is a word often used to describe a relationship that is neither 100% positive nor 100% negative. This semester, we have read many articles and personal accounts that have to do with children’s complicated relationship with their parents. Choose two of these works. In an organized essay, discuss how the authors show these complicated dynamics between children and their parents. How do the authors portray these dynamics in a way that exposes these emotional complexities? Remember to discuss the authors’ choices as writers, not their choices in life. BELOW ARE THE TWO ARTICLES YOU WILL USE THESE ARE THE ONLY TWO SOURCES THAT CAN BE USED IN THIS ESSAY. REMEMBER TO CHOOSE QUOTES FROM THESE STORIES AND ANALYZE IT THAT SUPPORT YOUR TOPIC SENTENCE AND THESIS. BELOW IS THE ESSAY STRUCTURE TO FOLLOW FOR THIS ESSAY Standard American Essay Structure: Suggested Outline Introduction Lead with a strong and intriguing statement or question (hook). For a 4-5-page paper, this should be no longer than one or two sentences. Introduce the texts (include the author, title, and a brief description or summary of the work) Set up the question, problem, or prompt you are responding to State the thesis. The thesis is what the ENTIRE paper will argue. The thesis responds to the question (prompt). The thesis is YOUR argument, not the argument of the author you are reading. State how your essay will support this thesis. You may list your arguments in one sentence, or write one sentence per argument. Main Body Paragraphs (as many as needed—note: if your argument requires more than one paragraph, use them. Find logical places to break your paragraph). Typically, a thoroughly developed paper will have at least three supporting arguments. Topic sentence (should crystalize one supporting argument; should make the claim that the paragraph will defend). A topic sentence is always a claim, an argument. A topic sentence never states facts. In this class, most of your topic sentences will offer textual analysis, arguments about the text itself. The topic sentence should help to respond to the question. Contextualize the evidence: set up the quote Properly cite the quote (introduce the quote, use quotations, use citations—this is usually the author’s name in parentheses plus the page number, if there is one) Analyze the quote. How does the quote serve to defend the claim you articulate in the topic sentence? Refer to specific aspects of the quote. Don’t tell us what the quote says, but teach us how to read it. How does it serve to prove your point? (Note: this is where your analytical skills will be tested. This is where you should be thorough and rigorous. Read closely. Do not settle for easy answers here. Are you stuck? Read the quote again or find a new one. Ask questions that inspire development and elaboration: Why? How? Find your arguments by reading the text closely, not by making claims about “the world.” Discuss your topic sentence more broadly now. How does the topic sentence of your paragraph defend your essay’s entire thesis? Conclusion Using different language, restate your thesis statement and supporting arguments. Do not repeat yourself. Imagine having to explain your thesis to a different kind of audience. How can you explain it differently? Discuss how your arguments RELATE to each other. So what? Why did you write this essay? Why is it important? Why should people care? Remember to stay focused on the essay YOU wrote, not on the one you’ve analyzed. Think of this part of the essay as reaching out or reaching in. You can broaden the discussion, or relate it to something specific. This is the last paragraph your audience will read. Show your passion and intellectual engagement. Show you care about your own ideas.

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