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Cooperative Learning – Write My Paper Today

Respond to Questions:

  1. Based on Cooperative Learning Reading by Johnson, Johnson, and Holubec (1994).  Respond to the following:

  2. Why use cooperative learning? What is the difference between formal cooperative learning and informal?

  3. What are the 5 essential elements of cooperative learning? Discuss what each means in your own words and why it is important.

  4. What do teachers need to know about monitoring and intervening when students are working in cooperative groups

 2. Based on Gillies (2003) article on Structuring cooperative group work in classrooms, respond to the following:

  1. What are the key research findings of cooperative learning? To what extent are these findings important for teachers, including yourself? Explain why.

  2. What theoretical perspective(s) inform cooperative learning research and practice?

  3. To what extent are findings in the reading similar to those reported in the short Video—Incorporating Cooperative Learning Effectively.

3.Read the Mirrored Tiles Lesson Plan and provide specific examples to explain in what ways each of the five key elements of cooperative learning are evidenced (or not) in the lesson plan. If any of the five elements are not addressed, point those out and explain your observation; then suggest a way that it might be addressed in the lesson plan.

4. Watch the Video Lesson—Where Cooperative Learning Works.  Provide specific examples to explain in what ways each of the key five elements for cooperative learning are evidenced (or not) in the lesson. If any of the five elements are not addressed, point those out and explain your observation; then suggest a way that it might be addressed in the lesson. (As you observe the video, watch for teacher interactions with the groups (e.g., How does the teacher promote group interactions? Some teachers exchange communications with individual students (as if it was an individual task) rather than addressing the entire group when a member asks a question or when the teacher has a question or comment. This does not model cooperation in the group to the students.)

5. What questions or concerns do you still have about using cooperative learning through the implementation of the 5 key elements that other classmates may respond to?

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