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Copying, Cutting & Pasting Data

Excel Lesson 1: Part 5 (Copying, Cutting & Pasting Data)

Please Note: This session builds on, and assumes that you have completed, the previous Excel sessions. If that is not the case, please go back and complete them before returning to this session.

STEP 1: Getting Started

Launch Excel and create a new blank Workbook or open up an existing Workbook. I will use:

STEP 2: Copying & Pasting Single Cells

Simply click/select the cell you want and then click CONTROL + C (copy). The cell will then have a dashed line around it – just as we show here.

Then move to the cell you want to copy to and click CONTROL + V (paste). We now have:

Re-save to get rid of the dashed line.

STEP 3: Copying & Pasting Multiple Cells

Here we have selected 3 cells at once. Click first cell (Dealership), then keeping the left-hand mouse button depressed, drag the mouse pointer along the other cells you want to copy. Then let go.

Then press CONTROL + C (copy) as before. Move the pointer to the cell where you wish to copy to and then press CONTROL + V (paste). You can do this pasting repeatedly – see below.

STEP 4: Moving/Cutting Cells

(CONTROL + C) copies and (CONTROL + V) pastes data between cells. The original data stays where it was. Maybe you wish not to copy, but to move/cut data? This is also very easy.

Suppose that Ford Kuga was actually sold, not by Frankie, but by another sales executive – his wife.

Simply click/select the cell(s) you want to move and then click CONTROL + X (cuts).

Then go to the new cell(s) that you want to move the data to and click CONTROL + V (paste) and it will be done, as shown below:

To finish off, I have just added some more data:

That completes this session.



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