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Creative things are original, effective, and have value. Because creative things are original, there

Creative things are original, effective, and have value. Because creative things are original, there is no “one right answer” or “one way” to be creative…. by definition. It is therefore impossible to provide a “rubric” for original creations.

That can be related to our lectures, our readings, our precedent studies, our handouts, our discussions, etc.Nonetheless, please proofread all text, make sure that you have a cover slide with your name, the title of your creativity project; the class information; Sac State, Dr. Sledge, Instructor; date; etc. You should reference at least two the creativity theories provided by the instructor: ( The Four Stages of the Creative Process Theory, The Four C Model of Creativity, The Investment Theory of Creativity, and The Wicked Problems Theory). You should include photographs of the final project and a few taken during development to illustrate process. A PDF saved from a PowerPoint should not have more than ten slides maximum, not counting the cover slide. Finally, strive to include at least three references at the end. If you are using your Precedent Project… then you have those references already. You may cite my 2021 dissertation:

Sledge, D. C. (2021). Collaboration, Dialogue, and Creativity as Instructional Strategies for Accredited Architectural Education Programs: A Mixed Methods Exploratory Investigation (Order No. 28716064). Available from ProQuest Dissertations

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