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descriiption: For this assignment, each student will conduct at least one open-ended, semi-structure

descriiption: For this assignment, each student will conduct at least one open-ended, semi-structured interview, focused on their chosen informant’s experiences with one of the institutions studied in our course. After preparing questions, talking to subjects, transcribing your conversations, create a project that synthesizes what you learned from this process as well as its connections with our course material and autoethnographic reflections on your own life. Depending on your preference, the final product can take a range of forms—from traditional papers to photo essays, videos, narrated presentations, websites, or other modes of expression.

the presentation slides order : – interview – gender issues in STEM in school and workplace -Issues for women in STEM -how to make change -my experience -source

The post descriiption: For this assignment, each student will conduct at least one open-ended, semi-structured interview, focused on their chosen informant’s appeared first on learnedwriters.

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