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Each group will create a paper with a minimum of 6 to 8 pages based on the findi

Each group will create a paper with a minimum of 6 to 8 pages based on the findings from their group interview. The paper must address the following: Describe the customer lifestyle segment the consumer belongs to. What product or service was purchased and what motivated the purchase? What does the purchase reveal about who the customer is as a person? Characterize the decision-making process for the product/service. Describe the consumption experience for the product/service. Explain whether the customer is satisfied/dissatisfied and what has influenced that relationship over time. Develop two (2) marketing strategies based on your learnings from Section 1 of the interview. Develop one (1) marketing strategy based on your learnings from Section 2 of the interview. What final learnings/recommendations can you make about consumer behavior for this customer segment? The paper should NOT be a transcription of your recording! It should be a summary of learnings based on your interview. Be sure to expand or add more questions where appropriate to be able to answer all parts of the writing requirements. FORMATTING GUIDELINES Your final group project paper must adhere to the following guidelines: All pages must be typed, double-spaced, size 12 Arial font and all margins should be 1-inch all around (top/bottom, left/right) Include a title page (with a title, your team members’ names, class, due date) and an appropriate table of contents page that lists each section and its corresponding start page Your paper should have logical section headers that address the content areas in the “Writing Requirements” section above – e.g., “Customer Lifestyle Segment” or “Decision Process” Each section header must be bold and underlined Although not required, if you choose to use any outside research sources they must appear as footnotes in proper APA format on the page(s) they are referenced. Be sure to proofread your final paper and complete a spelling and grammar check PRIOR to submission to avoid losing unnecessary points!

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