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ESSAY QUESTION: Scenario: The increased number of students experiencing high le

ESSAY QUESTION: Scenario: The increased number of students experiencing high levels of stress have created concern among university officials. Students’ lives are busy; often juggling family, jobs, and study. It seems that burnout is just as common in those who study as in those who work. Imagine you are a psychologist who has been asked to explain and evaluate the current research around resilience to burnout. Your work is designed to provide the background information for a planned university taskforce into assisting students build resilience against burnout. Scenario: The increased number of students experiencing high levels of stress have created concern among university officials. Students’ lives are busy; often juggling family, jobs, and study. It seems that burnout is just as common in those who study as in those who work. Imagine you are a psychologist who has been asked to explain and evaluate the current research around resilience to burnout. Your work is designed to provide the background information for a planned university taskforce into assisting students build resilience against burnout. Essay Question: “What psychological mechanisms can protect a university student from burnout?” As a Scientist-Practitioner you would approach this essay from an evidence-based viewpoint, explaining and evaluating the available research on the topic and forming your conclusion based on quality, scientifically determined evidence found in peer-reviewed journal articles. Read Chapter 1 of your textbook to refresh your understanding of these issues. Make sure that you look at the rubric carefully to see how this essay will be marked. When you write an essay in psychology it is important to note that we are not interested in unsupported opinion, we are interested in an evidence-based viewpoint. So some things things you will need to do are: 1. Understand what a psychological mechanism is! Psychological mechanisms “offer a type of causal explanation of mental states and behavior, often with reference to underlying processes, systems, activities, or entities. By postulating and investigating such mechanisms, researchers have sought explanations of a wide range of psychological phenomena.” (Koch & Cratsley, 2020). Time management is NOT an example of a psychological mechanism, for example (that article contains other useful information however) 2. Read the literature broadly. Explain the psychological phenomenon “burnout” and the psychological mechanisms that can protect university students from burnout using the fictional example above. You should look at three psychological mechanisms to answer the essay question. Make sure you (a) define key terms, (b) explain how these psychological mechanisms build resilience and (c) protect university students from burnout

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