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Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Case Study

. Task 2 – Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Case Study (Group Case Study) Due Date: Week 10, Friday 29 May 2015 Format: Report format, times new roman, 12 point, 1.5 line spacing. The report needs to consist at least the following: •Executive Summary: ideally one page but no more than two. •Sections 1: Introduction •Section 2: Main body of the report consisting the questions at the end of case study •Sections 3: Conclusions, •Reference List (15-20 references). Topic: Student to do following case study from the prescribed textbook and answer the questions at the end of the case study: Case 19 ” Mattel Responds to Ethical Challenges” Students will form into groups of 4-5. You are not allowed to submit on your own as an individual. You must engage in additional research to gather more background information as well as current information on the company and situation. IMPORTANT: You must submit a soft copy to the Blackboard ‘Final submission linkâ€

, wait an hour, then print the blackboard safe assign report and attach it to your hard copy. Sign and attach an assignment cover sheet to your hard copy, then submit the hard copy to the lecturer in class. Assessment Criteria •Research & Data Acquirement (3) •Referencing (3) •Format, Structure, Expression ( 3) •Application of data/theories/frameworks (7) •Conclusions ( 4)



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