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Evaluate, describe and justify any technical security related changes that you would recommend Cric

Assessment 3: Case Study – Part 3

Value: 30%

Length: 2600-3100 words

Assessment 3 is the third of three assessments that focus on a single case study of a specific security incident. In this case study you will act as an IT Security Consultant for your customer – CricTech Pty Ltd. Using the information provided in the referent document “ITI581 Case Study Information.pdf”

provide answers to the tasks listed below for Assessment 3. Use the document entitled “Assessment 3 Template.docx” to submit your answers in the required format.

Assessment 3 Tasks

Re-familiarise yourself with the information provided in the case study information PDF, and your previous submissions for Assessment 1: Case Study Part 1 and Assessment 2: Case Study Part 2, to help you formulate answers to the following tasks.

Assessment Tasks

1. Evaluate, describe and justify any technical security related changes that you would recommend CricTech implements to better protect against future security attacks. (30 Marks)

Tip: Consider how you might move, add to, change or remove components of the IT systems to better protect CricTech, including hardware or software changes, you think are necessary and the benefits that you believe your suggestions would provide.

2. Evaluate, describe and justify any security related processes or procedures that you consider necessary in improving the security of the CricTech environment against future attacks. (20 Marks)

Tip: This question should consider any changes that you consider necessary to augment, or support, the changes you have suggested in Task 1.

Tip 2: Divide the word count approximately between the tasks based on the marks for each task i.e. ~60% of your word count should be used for Task 1 and ~40% for Task 2.

Marking Criteria (Rubric)

Criteria HD DI CR PS FL Evaluate, describe and justify any security related changes that you would recommend CricTech implements to better protect against future security attacks. (60%)Evaluation and description of suggested security related changes is excellent; all suggestions are justified to an excellent standard; suggestions are completely relevant within the context of this case study; suggestions would provide significant improvement over the current design;Evaluation and description of suggested security related changes is very good; all suggestions are justified to a very good standard; suggestions are very relevant within the context of this case study; suggestions would provide large improvement over the current design;Evaluation and description of suggested security related changes is good; all suggestions are justified to a good standard; suggestions are largely relevant within the context of this case study; suggestions would provide good improvement over the current design;Evaluation and description of suggested security related changes is adequate; all suggestions are justified to a reasonable standard; suggestions are somewhat relevant within the context of this case study; suggestions would provide some improvement over the current design;Evaluation and description of suggested security related changes is inadequate; suggestions are poorly justified; suggestions are not relevant within the context of this case study; suggestions would provide little or no improvement over the current design;Evaluate, describe and justify any security related processes or procedures that you consider necessary in improving the security of the CricTech environment against future attacks. (40%)Evaluation and description of suggested security related processes and procedures is excellent; all suggestions are justified to an excellent standard; suggestions are completely relevant within the context of this case study; suggestions would provide significant improvement Evaluation and description of suggested security related processes and procedures is very good; all suggestions are justified to a very good standard; suggestions are very relevant within the context of this case study; suggestions would provide large Evaluation and description of suggested security related processes and procedures is good; all suggestions are justified to a good standard; suggestions are largely relevant within the context of this case study; suggestions would provide good improvement Evaluation and description of suggested security related processes and procedures is adequate; all suggestions are justified to a reasonable standard; suggestions are somewhat relevant within the context of this case study; suggestions would provide Evaluation and description of suggested security related processes and procedures is inadequate; suggestions are poorly justified; suggestions are not relevant within the context of this case study; suggestions would provide little or no improvement over the current design;

over the current design;improvement over the current design;over the current design;some improvement over the current design;


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