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First two paragraphs For this discussion, let’s talk about that Handbook at the

First two paragraphs For this discussion, let’s talk about that Handbook at the back of your textbook. It is called the “Handbook of Grammar, Mechanics and Usage”. What does that even mean? Let me help with that. Grammar is the agreed-on structure of a language, the way that individual words are formed, and the manner in which those words are then combined to form meaningful sentences. Mechanics are style and formatting issues such as capitalization, spelling and the use of numbers and symbols. Usage involves the accepted and expected way in which specific words are used by a particular community of people-in this case, the community of businesspeople who use English. We also want to use proper punctuation which is also covered in the Handbook. You may have guessed that I believe these rules remain relevant despite the “shortcuts” many of us take when communicating by text or on Snapchat, etc. I’d like to hear your opinion about whether or not it is relevant. We’ll have this discussion open for two weeks, so we should be able to really delve into the topic. This is a safe place for you to express your views. While we might not all agree with each other, we will always be respectful of each other’s views. That will be true in all our communications with each other. In order to earn full points here, you’ll need to: Post your opinion on the subject using at least two paragraphs. Each paragraph should have at least 3 sentences. The first paragraph will express your opinion with some information about why you feel that way. The second paragraph might provide some examples from your life where business writing was at issue. If you don’t have that experience yet, think about a situation that might occur. Third paragraph let’s have a discussion about the short video from Week #2 lecture notes. Video link: Be sure to view that before you contribute here. For your initial post, tell us what your first thought and/or feeling was after you watched the video. This should be at least 4 sentences to help us understand how you felt, what you thought, etc. Of course, we want to relate this first post to the concept of listening Fourth paragraph After reading chapter 2 and viewing all the associated content, write five sentences. First, identify something you learned that you didn’t know before you read this chapter. In the next two sentences, describe the topic or concept. Pretend that I don’t anything about it. Then, in the final two sentences, relate this new knowledge to your world (something specific) and/or the world in which we live (something more general Fifth chapter After reading chapter 3 and viewing all the associated content, write five sentences. First, identify something you learned that you didn’t know before you read this chapter. In the next two sentences, describe the topic or concept. Pretend that I don’t anything about it. Then, in the final two sentences, relate this new knowledge to your world (something specific) and/or the world in which we live (something more general).


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