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For this assignment, select an article from the following list. Read the article and write a 1- 2 pa

For this assignment, select an article from the following list. Read the article and write a 1- 2 page review that includes the following 3 sections: Summary: (1/2 page) Briefly summarize the article. Be careful, comprehensive, and concise in your summary. Critique: (1 page) Discuss the pro/cons of the article’s main points. Do you agree or disagree with the author—- and more importantly, why do you agree or disagree? This section of your report is the most difficult to write. The important material for this section is how you justify your position. Specifically address whether or not the author is using statistics in an appropriate manner, or if they are using them to make a point that the stats cannot justify! Tie-in: (1/2 page) Where and how do the points discussed in the article tie-in or relate to the ideas and concepts discussed in class? You may additionally tie-in the article to your career plans. Carefully consider the tie-in connection when you are selecting your article. Write the article review using the template in Blackboard – it’s there to help you! 100 points. Choose ONE of the following to review: New York Times: Wage Inequality is Falling Bloomberg: US CEO’s Earn 140 Times More Than the Typical Worker The Wall Street Journal: Single-Payer Heathcare Isn’t Worth the Wait Washington Post: How Striking West Virginia Teacher’s Salaries Compare New York Times: America’s Real Digital Divide Forbes: Crypto-currencies Slammed as Speculative Mania

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