Assignment Task
For this essay you are asked to: 1) accurately summarise a text using the conventions of an outline summary 2) provide a focused response to the text with a clear thesis statement, and 3) develop your response by supporting it with textual evidence, clear reasoning and exemplification of at least one artwork by one of the required artists.Set word length: 1500-1700 words. It's acceptable to go over or under this word length by 10%.
Essay Requirements
Your outline summary should accurately and objectively represent the author's purpose and main ideas approximately 60% of the total word count. Your response and exemplification should be approximately 40% of the total word count and should contain a thesis statement which is directly and clearly related to a key passage or idea from Nelson's text. The thesis statement of your response should be supported by textual evidence and clear reasoning.
The summary, response and exemplification should adhere to the guidelines as covered here and in the related lectures.
Before beginning your essay, remember to read the comments in your assignment's rubric to make use of the feedback when writing your essay.
Begin your essay with your outline summary of the text and then lead into your response. The summary and response should be clearly separated. You have the option to include an introduction and conclusion.
Type your name at the top of your essay and give your essay a descriptive title (not "Summary, response and exemplification essay" or one using the title of the required text).
Allow time to go through your essay's Turnitin similarity report for any unidentified quotes and make the appropriate changes before you submit. Avoid spelling and grammar mistakes by thoroughly proofreading your essay.
Type your essay in a readable, 12-point font, double-spaced lines and double-space between paragraphs.
Include a works cited list (not included in the total word count) and use in-text citations for all quotations and ideas from all other sources.
described in the Online Writing Lab (OWL) here: The essay should be written using the MLA writing and referencing style.
Use the same strategies which were recommended for the assignment summary.
In this part of the essay you will respond to the information that you have summarised by examining and reflecting on connections between the ideas and a related artwork. Development for your response should come from forming a thesis statement supported by textual evidence, clear reasoning and exemplification, using a relevant example of an artwork or artworks.
Your response should contain a thesis statement related to a key passage or idea from the required text by Nelson. The thesis statement of your response must be supported by textual evidence and clear reasoning.
Textual support for your thesis statement should take the formtextual evidence from Nelson's text and at least one relevant textual source in addition to Nelson's text. Additional textual sources should be from the course reading list. Or, if you want to choose an additional source which isn't in the reading list, it must be an essay in a scholarly Journal or a chapter in a book, held in this university's library, and in English.
In your response you must discuss at least one artwork by either Mona Hatoum, Chris Ofili, Zarina Bhimji, or Yinka Shonibare. You may choose any other relevant artist's work to discuss along with the one artwork by one of the four compulsory artists. The exemplification of an artwork should be used to support your thesis statement. The artwork you choose must not be one of the same artworks as those discussed in the required text by Nelson.
Your response must be reasoned, developed (backed-up), logical, coherent, clear in terms of what it is exactly that you're responding to, and focused (no rambling, padding, beating around the bush, touching on an idea but not developing it, or trying to cover everything in a short space).