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FUNDAMENTALS COURSE PROJECT Course Project Instructions You will be assigned a client


Course Project Instructions

You will be assigned a client in clinical for your course project. Your project will be submitted as a formal (APA) paper. You will submit this paper in three parts. Submit the whole paper (what is due) on the due dates. For example: on week 5, submit what is required (part 1), on week 7, submit what you already submitted on week 5 plus the completed sections that you added to the paper (part 1 and 2), and on week 10, you will submit the complete paper (parts 1, 2, and 3). If you do not submit the project as a paper, you will be penalized 50% for each part. Use the medication template and the nursing care plan templates below (upload) into your paper). Note, I only grade what is due each week, I will not recheck an earlier submitted section for more points. Rubrics are included.

*Make sure you follow APA in your paper. Include a title page. Cite ALL your sources. Start the reference page with Part 1, adding to it for each successive part. Put the reference page at the end. Follow the grading rubric for more details.

Drug Name Trade & generic name, dose, route & frequency

Pharmacological & therapeutic drug class & Expected action in the body

What medical diagnosis is your patient taking this drug for? How will it help them?

Side Effects & Adverse Reactions/ Complications/Top drug interactions

Nursing Administration Special Instructions & Assessments

Client Education Evaluation of Medication Effectiveness (e.g. Pain Scale)



Give by mouth(oral route)


As needed

Platelet aggregation inhibitors, salicylates

It produces analgesia and reduces inflammation and fever by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins

The patient is taking it for arthritis pain and chest pain.

It will help them by reducing the pain to a mild or moderate pain level or no pain at all.

Ringing in the ears.


Severe vomiting


Difficult breathing

GI bleeding


Epigastric distress

Assess for pain.

Use the lowest effective dose for the shortest period,

PO; administer after meals or with food or an antacid to minimize gastric irritation. Food slows but does not alter the total amount absorbed

Women in late pregnancy should not take this drug because it may cause bleeding in the mother or baby during delivery.

Advise client to report any unusual bleeding of gums, bruising, black tarry stool, or fever lasting longer than 3days.

No alcohol consumption with the use of this drug,

It May take 2-3weeks for maximum effectiveness




Give 1tab by mouth(oral route)

A day

Anti-hyperuricemia agents.

Antigout medication.


Inhibits uric acid production. uric acid buildup can lead to gout or kidney disease.


It will help them by treating urine uric acid levels in the patient that is due to chronic gout.

Hypersensitivity reaction, fever, rash, renal injury,

Warfarin-allopurinol slows the metabolism of warfarin within the liver increasing risk of bleeding

Adults take 600-800mg daily dose for 2-3days, then adjusted to keep serum uric acid level within normal limits.

Children aged 6-10 take 300mg daily.

Contraindicated in patients that have medication hypersensitivity or idiopathic hemochromatosis

Observe for signs of bleeding.

Take allopurinol after meals.

Report sore throat, fever, or bleeding.

Avoid aspirin.

Avoid alcohol and foods high in print.

This mod decreases the number of gout attacks and decreases pain from gout and uric acid level.

Urinary test to evaluate the PH and acidity of the urine.

Levothyroxine PO daily 100mcg


Thyroid drugs

Replacement of or supplementation to endogenous thyroid hormones. Principle effect is increasing the metaborate race of body tissues


This drug will help her by treating or preventing goiters which can be caused by hormone imbalance.

Headache, insomnia, irritability, angina, pectoris, arrhythmias, tachycardia, hyperthyroidism, heat intolerance, weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting,

May increase the effects of warfarin.

May increase requirements for insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents in diabetics.

Administer as a single dose with a full glass of water, preferably before breakfast to prevent insomnia .patient with difficulty swallowing tablets can be crushed and placed in 5 to 10 MLS of water and administered immediately via spoon or dropper

Instruct the patient to take medication as directed at the same time each day and explain to the patient that medication does not cure hypothyroidism it provides a thyroid hormone supplement. Therapy life long


PO daily



Route oral

Cardio selective beta-blockers

Blocks stimulation of beta,(myocardial) adrenergic receptors, decreased BP, and heart rate, decreased frequency of attacks of angina




Blurred vision


Back pain

Joint pain

Lupus syndrome


Erectile dysfunction

urinary frequency

Administer metoprolol with meals or dietary after eating.

Extended-release tablets should be swallowed whole, do not break, crush, or chew

The patient should take medication as directed at the same time each day, even if feeling well. Do not skip or double up on missed doses. Caution patient that this medication may increase sensitivity to cold


Part 1 (Due Week 5): 10 Points

Selection of Client and Background Information

Complete the background information on the client assigned from clinical. Include the following:

Patient initials; G.J

Gender: Female

Age: 88

Height and Weight: 64.0inches and 202lbs

Baseline Vitals (from chart): BP= 113/65mmhg, Temperature: 97.5, pulse: 63bpm, Respiration: 18breaths per minutes, 0xygen saturation:92%, pain:0,

Vitals you assessed; BP: 120/65mmhg, Temperature; 97.5, pulse;63bpm, respiration; 18breaths per minute, Oxygen saturation; 94%, pain;4, pulse; 60beats [per minute

Allergies; Heparin;

Code Status; Full code

Social History (family, significant other, career, etc); the patient has 7daughter and one son. Daughters Maureen Shanley is responsible for POA- care, Patti Coleman is responsible for POA care,

Marital Status; widowed

Cultural Background; Caucasian

Primary Language; English

Past Medical and Surgical History; knee replacement for both legs

Family Health History; the family has a history of breast cancer,

Diet; Nas/cardiac diet, regular texture, thin consistency

Activity and Assistive Devices;

Treatment Orders (dressing changes, blood sugar monitoring, TEDs)

Tubes, Drains, Ostomies;

Interdisciplinary Care; Occupational therapist, physical therapist, dietician,

Wounds (type, location, size, etc): n/a patient has no wounds


Choose 5 primary medications that your patient is taking and complete the information

below. Upload this table directly into your paper for each medication. The information included below should directly relate to your assigned client.

Rubric for Part 1 (Due Week 5): 10 Points



Client and Background information

is complete and detailed


The medication summary is complete & detailed (5 meds).


*Must include title page/reference page/citations or points will be deducted

Part 2 DUE WEEK 7: 25 points

Health Assessment, Health History, and Nursing Diagnoses

In this second submission of your Course Project, you will be completing a health history, physical assessment of your client, and determining their nursing diagnoses. This written assignment should include the following:

Describe the pathophysiology of the medical diagnoses of your assigned client. Include the admitting diagnosis as number one and then four other medical diagnoses (for a total of 5). The admitting diagnosis is the reason for being in the facility. If post-surgical, include surgery and reason for surgery. The secondary diagnoses include a history of pre-existing medical diagnoses). You need to include 4 secondary diagnoses. For each diagnosis, provide at least a 5-sentence explanation of the pathophysiology of the condition/problem. MAKE SURE YOU CITE YOUR SOURCES.

Summary of laboratory diagnostic results related to the illness/condition of your assigned client and how those results are significant for your client. Only significant values (abnormals) are needed.

Summary of your head-to-toe physical assessment

4 Nursing diagnoses (only the NDC, you will complete the care plan for week 10). You must have all the parts of the NDC to receive a credit; not just the label.

The nursing care plan template is below

Rubric for Part 2 (Due Week 7): 25 Points



Medical history- describe the Pathophysiology of the admitting diagnosis & 4 secondary medical diagnoses (at least 5 sentences per diagnosis)


Laboratory/Diagnostic Results


Head to Toe Assessment


Identify 4 priority NANDA nursing diagnoses written incorrect format


*Must include title page/reference page/citations or points will be deducted

Part 3 (Due Week 10): 35 points

Complete Plan of Care for your client (20 points)

In this third and final submission of your Course Project, you will be completing a comprehensive care plan. Include safety needs, special considerations regarding personal needs, cultural/spiritual implications, and needed health restoration, maintenance, and promotion.

This written assignment should include the following:

Your Nursing diagnoses from Part 2

One short term goal and one long term goal per NDC

Four Nursing interventions per NDC.

Prioritization per Maslow with an explanation and an expected evaluation. Make sure to include a teaching plan in your care plan. Upload the table below to your paper. Reflect on the following in your paper: Which of your nursing diagnoses are priority using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? If you were to implement this plan of care, would you expect any of your short-term expected outcomes met during your shift? Explain. How might you revise your care plan next time to achieve at least one outcome during your shift?

Part 3 – (Due Week 10): 35 pts

Nursing Diagnoses

Use your Assessment data to ID clinical problems

Expected Outcomes (S.M.A.R.T.)

Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, & time-oriented (ID a future time or date for reassessment/evaluation)

Nursing Interventions

What can you, the nurse, do to reach the goal and improve the problem?



The patient will…

Short-term goal:

Long-term goal:

The nurse will…







Short-term goal:

Long-term goal:







Short-term goal:

Long-term goal:







Short-term goal:

Long-term goal:







Complete Nursing Care plan following instructions above


Maslow/Evaluation and revision of care plan


Presentation to the clinical group


APA (for all 3 parts)


Mechanics (for all 3 parts)


CLINICAL PRESENTATION (Will be done on your last day of clinical – Online):15 points

Clinical presentations can be based on a topic of your choosing. All topics MUST be cleared with your clinical instructor. Presentations take place on the last day of clinical. You do not need to submit your clinical presentation to the main course shell (only submit it to your clinical course shell).

Choose a topic you can cover well in about 15 – 20 minutes. Prepare! You must be well versed in your topic as you will get questions from your peers. The presentation should include at least 3 learning objectives included in an organized, thoughtful teaching presentation outline to hand out to your audience (can either be in an outline format or a PPT outline). You will need a visual (such as PPT, Kahoot!, quizzes, handouts, etc.- cannot solely include a pre-made visual such as a YouTube video).

Develop an approximate timeline to organize yourself and to assure you cover your content and answer any questions within the time allowed. Be prepared for your presentation. Presenters will be randomly chosen; Please be ready when called to avoid losing points.

Clinical Presentation Grading Rubric: Topic Must be Cleared by Clinical Instructor

Presentation Outline

(Includes 3 learning objectives, proper grammar & spelling, clear outline/easy to follow, visual and Reference list in APA)

5 points

Implications for Nursing (content must be covered in Funds and related to nursing practice, including topics such as patient safety, nursing priorities, nursing interventions, etc.)

10 points

If you submit part 2 and part 3 without the previous sections, you will be penalized 50%

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