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Goal: To demonstrate the various skills we have been honing throughout the semes

Goal: To demonstrate the various skills we have been honing throughout the semester: analysis, interpretation, description, explanation of complex ideas, quotation, paraphrase, paragraphing, and citation. Prompt question: What is the central ethical dilemma portrayed in the film Ex Machina? What are the specific roles of the various characters involved in this dilemma, and to what degree do each of these characters make ethically informed (or ethically dubious) decisions? Finally, is the ethical dilemma resolved? Why or why not? This is an exercise in interpretation, so there are a number of ways to work through these questions. What’s important is that you are thinking critically and carefully about the film in conjunction with the two assigned articles. Method: Draw upon the two assigned articles—Seth’s “Conscious Awakening” and DiCarlo’s “How to Avoid a Robotic Apocalypse”—as you work your way through the prompt question. You’ll probably want to address the following topics: The function of the Turing Test and its role in the film, as explained by Seth. Searle’s “Chinese Room” thought experiment, as explained by Seth. The “conditions” of consciousness, as explained by Dicarlo (57-57). Philosophical and scientific theories of consciousness, as explained by Seth. “Questions and caveats” regarding “sentient or conscious AI” (DiCarlo 59+). Note: you are discussing the above topics in order to analyze the ethical dilemma of the film, since this dilemma—whatever it is—depends on the question of whether or not Eva (the robot in the film) is conscious (and if she is, to what degree). Make sure to incorporate paraphrase and short, useful quotes (from Seth and DiCarlo and the film’s dialogue), and remember, whenever quoting or paraphrasing, to provide in-text citation. Practice both introducing and integrating quotes. Also, please discuss specific scenes in the film, paying attention to dialogue, visual details, and symbolism. You will need to rewatch the film a second time in order to hone in on specific scenes. Note 2: You are not being asked to summarize the film, but you should provide context when discussing specific scenes and aspects of the plot. Grading Criteria: Paper fully addresses the prompt questions: 20% Paper works effectively with “Conscious Awakening” and “How to Avoid a Robot Apocalypse”: 25% Quotation, paraphrase, and citation: 20% Close analysis of specific scenes from the film: 20% Clarity (organization, grammar, and mechanics): 15%

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