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Hi everyone! I am enjoying reading your posts. Right now, I want to share a few

Hi everyone! I am enjoying reading your posts. Right now, I want to share a few PowerPoints to help you as we go forward and begin talking about and analyzing short stories, songs, poems, etc. For those of you that joined me in the first ENC course, these might be refreshers. But I have to make sure that we are all on the same page as we get ready to create fiction stories. (forgive the pun) As you look over the active reading PowerPoint, think about ways to engage more with the material we are covering as the course moves ahead. Active Reading PowerPoint: ACTIVE READING (1 & 2).pptx The other PowerPoint is about fiction storytelling. In this course, we are going to be writing fiction stories. We write enough nonfiction in our daily lives on social media. Every time we interact on social media, we are sharing nonfiction. Maybe. I mean, perhaps some of you are catfishing people and making all kinds of stuff up. But, let’s assume, for the most part, we understand the way to share nonfiction, or true, information. But fiction writing is a skill that requires creativity and imagination. Hopefully, this PowerPoint will help you keep a few fiction writing elements in mind as you approach your own fiction stories. Fiction Writing PowerPoint: FIVE KEY ELEMENTS.pptx [12:30 AM] THIS DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INCLUDES TWO PARTS By Friday night (11:59 pm) of this week (Sept. 9), first, I want you to look over the PowerPoints and leave your thoughts in the discussion. Primarily, I’d like you to tell me what you think about your comfort level with including some or all of the elements of fiction writing (covered in the PowerPoint) in your own stories. Have you thought about these elements when writing fiction? Have you ever constructed a fiction story before, or is this all-new? I want to know what your take is on all of this. What thoughts came to mind while watching the PowerPoint? Additionally, as the second part of your post, try writing the OPENING (only the opening) of a short story. This section of your post should be at least 400 words. You should concentrate on building the opening to include some of the elements of the Fiction Writing PowerPoint. Give enough interest and detail to encourage your reader to want to actively read the rest of the story you are creating. Don’t use gimmicks. Try to use the real story elements that were touched on in the PowerPoint. Respond kindly to at least 2 other posts (responses should be detailed). Make sure to express your feelings about the story opening. Do you see any of the elements from the Fiction Writing PowerPoint? Creativity is a gift, but it isn’t one that only some people receive. It is one we can all obtain. Like anything else worth a damn, it takes practice. This course does require you to be creative. But I want it to be fun and not feel like hard work that you dread. As always, please reach out via Canvas email with any questions, comments, or dog pictures.

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