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HMSV5314 UNIT 4D1 Paper Details: Process-Based Program Evaluation For this discussion, draw on your life experience and recall a time when you were involved with a program.

State your role in the program: were you a staff person, volunteer, or client? Describe the program and an internal process in that program that might have been perceived as problematic. Recommend a potential process evaluation that would monitor or improve the process. Which aspects of the program lend themselves to outcomes-based program evaluation, and why? By chance, does the program already have an outcomes-based program evaluation accessible on its website or in print? How does it evaluate the program?

HMSV5314 UNIT4D2 Paper Details: Ethics in Program Development and Program Evaluation Make sure you have completed the Riverbend City scenario, Riverbend City: HPDP Program Design, and read the Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals before beginning this discussion.

For this discussion, present at least two professional standards and their application in this scenario. Choose the professional standards and describe how each is linked to specific behaviors and interactions in the Riverbend City scenario. Were these ethical standards maintained or were these behaviors and interactions questionable?

Program Evaluation As a program director, you would have the responsibility of conducting program evaluations. The Riverbend City scenario, A Day in the Life of a Human Services Leader, provides some insight into how a program director may need to conduct different types of program evaluations to meet various requests for information. This assignment will give you an opportunity to evaluate the three types of program evaluation to determine how the program is most effective in meeting the needs of a specific population.

In addition, a program director would adhere to ethical standards. For this assignment, you will critique the program director’s application of two ethical standards from the National Organization of Human Services relative to these program evaluations.

Instructions For this assignment, write a 6–8 page paper on program evaluation based upon the Riverbend City scenario presented in this unit’s study. Distinguish the three different types of program evaluation and identify each of their functions, goals, and processes. Use the Riverbend City scenario to highlight specifically how these different program evaluations are being used and critique how multiple stakeholder perspectives are integrated to meet specific population needs, and how ethics are maintained in the process.

Be sure to address the following:

Identify three types of program evaluation that were presented in the Riverbend City scenario. Describe the three types of program evaluation and their application in the scenario. Assess the program, utilizing the three types of program evaluations from the Riverbend City scenario. Examine ethical issues that arise in program evaluation, using at least two ethical standards from the National Organization of Human Services. Critique each program evaluation’s use of multiple stakeholders’ perspectives in determining their effectiveness for meeting the needs of special populations. Your work should integrate the Riverbend City media presentation and references to your required readings. You are encouraged to support this paper with additional reputable sources.

Submission Requirements To complete this assignment successfully, your paper will need to meet the following specifications:

Page length: Write a 6–8 page paper. Communication: Use professional academic writing and apply current APA format and style appropriately. Resources: Support your work with a minimum of four credible sources. Use required readings and additional sources as needed. Font and size: Times New Roman, 12 point. Refer to the Program Evaluation Scoring Guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assignment.

Resources Program Evaluation Scoring Guide. Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals. HMSV5314: Program Development and Evaluation in Human Services Library Guide. Evidence and APA. Riverbend City: A Day in the Life of Human Services Leader.

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