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Garnering Support As you are planning your new program, you need to identify key stakeholders to enlist support to validate your cause or professional abilities to launch this program. In this discussion, identify multiple stakeholder groups. State how their support validates your program and describe your strategy for gaining their support.

Discuss which local government agency or department would be the primary stakeholder for hosting the new program that you are designing for this week’s assignment. Support your choice with rationale and literature from the field.

Write Your Discussion Post Communication in Personal Relationships For this week’s discussion, please share your thoughts on communication in personal relationships. Here are some ideas to get you started:

What is the single most important quality you look for in a close friend, such as trustworthiness, honesty, intelligence, or a sense of humor? Why is that quality important to you? How well can you recognize others’ feelings based on their nonverbal communication? What nonverbal clues do you look for? Do you look for different clues with different people? How has your communication within interpersonal relationships changed over time?

Assignment Instructions TELLING AN ORGANIZATION’S STORY Introduction As noted in Chapter 9 of Communication in Our Lives, organizations have historically been run by men. Consequently, many organizations developed and continue to use language and stories more related to men’s traditional interests and experiences than to women’s. This can exclude women and others who experience the world differently. Since organizational culture is composed of shared meanings, the use of more inclusive language helps create a stronger and more equitable organizational culture.

What organizations say about themselves—the stories they tell such as their mission and vision statements, and history—can also provide clues about their culture. Some of this information can weaken the organization’s culture. Used strategically, stories can also be used to build a desired culture. Some examples of gendered language could be, but are not limited to, policeman versus police officer, stewardess versus flight attendant, mankind versus people or humanity, work force or employees versus manpower, or fostering versus fathering. Similar examples can be found for other aspects of diversity such as culture, race, religion, and sexual orientation.

In this assignment, you will analyze and assess the stories that a human services organization tells about itself.

Instructions Visit the website of a human services organization you are familiar with. Look at the content on the website, paying particular attention to what that content tells you about the organization. This may include the organization’s history, mission statement, vision statement, values statement, client’s testimonials, as well as photographs or images used.

Then complete the following:

Analyze the use of vocabulary, testimonials and images on the website and what they suggest about the organization’s culture and views about diversity. Are there areas that show a lack of diversity or possible biases? Support your analysis with scholarly literature within the past 5–7 years. Analyze the organization’s history, mission, and vision statements and what they tell about the organization, staff and clients, especially in regards to being inclusive and open to diversity. Support your analysis with scholarly literature. Rewrite a section of the website to remove bias and better serve a wider range of clients by telling a more inclusive story. Include an explanation of how your suggested revisions help to create a more welcoming and inclusive story. Support your recommendations with scholarly literature. Format your paper, including resources and citations, according to current APA style and formatting. Adhere to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Submission Requirements Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. Length: 3–4 pages, plus a cover page and references page. An abstract is not required. APA formatting: Assignment should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting. Number of resources: Include 3–4, peer-reviewed journal articles within the past 5–7 years. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point font or other APA-compliant font. SCORING GUIDE Your work will be evaluated using this criteria.

VIEW SCORING GUIDE Competencies Measured By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 2: Apply concepts of diversity, ethics, and cultural competency to the decision-making process. Analyze the use of vocabulary, testimonials and images on the website and what they suggest about the organization’s culture and views about diversity. Analyze the organization’s history, mission, and vision statements and what they tell about the organization, staff and clients, especially in regard to being inclusive and open to diversity. Competency 4: Apply research findings to effectively solve problems and maximize client outcomes and organizational performance. Rewrite a section of the website to remove bias and better serve a wider range of clients by telling a more inclusive story including an explanation of how the recommended changes support inclusivity. Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others, consistent with expectations for members of the human services profession, including appropriate documentation of professional activities. Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing. Adhere to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

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