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HMSV5390 UNITS Discussions

Discussion The World of Communication For this week’s discussion, please share your thoughts about how your relationships may be affected by your communication style. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Have you had to adjust your communication style to accommodate others’ comfort? What was the result? What experience in your personal or professional life is a good example of how you see others respond to you based on your communication choices? If you have tried to change your communication style, what sparked that decision? Communication affects every aspect of our lives sometimes in obvious ways and sometimes more subtly. What area of your life do you think communication plays a more subtle or hidden role? How does communication still make an impact?

Write Your Discussion Post Perception and Communication For this week’s discussion, please share your thoughts on how you determine who is correct when your perceptions differ with another’s. Here are some ideas to get you started:

As a leader, when you’re addressing an issue where there is some disagreement on solution or basic facts, do you offer your own perspective? Are you worried about whether your perspective may be inaccurate? What helps you decide? What is a personal or professional experience where sharing your perspective helped resolve a disagreement? What made your communication successful? What is an example of when you felt your intended message got lost in translation when speaking with others? Did you adjust your communication style to accommodate the misunderstanding?

Write Your Discussion Post Communication and Personal Identity For this week’s discussion, please share your thoughts on how social media affects your self-esteem or personal identity. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Do you look to social media to build your self-esteem? What aspects of social media make you feel better about yourself? What aspects make you feel worse? Do you think that social media has had an effect on your personal identity or has changed how you see yourself? How do you decide what to share on social media? Do you curate your content to control how you portray yourself to others? Why or why not? Do you feel challenged to measure up to others? How so?

The post HMSV5390 UNITS Discussions appeared first on PapersSpot.


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