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How might a poorly specified sampling frame forestall the research process?

Use the references below in order to complete the case study! They are the following:

Module 3 – Background


Available via ProQuest:

Nokes, K. M., & Nwakeze, P. C. (2007). Exploring research issues: In using a random sampling plan with highly marginalized populations. Journal of Multicultural Nursing & Health, 13(1), 6-9.

Richards, D. (2007). Types of data. Evidence – Based Dentistry, 8(2), 57-8.

Wolf, H. K., Kuulasmaa, K., Tolonen, H., Sans, S., Molarius, A., & Eastwood, B. J. (2005). Effect of sampling frames on response rates in the WHO MONICA risk factor surveys. European Journal of Epidemiology, 20(4), 293-9.

Available via the Internet:

Trochim, W. M. K. (2006). Sampling terminology. Retrieved from Statistics Learning Center (2011, December 13). Types of Data: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval/Ratio – Statistics Help. Retrieved from Statistics Learning Center (2012, March 13). Sampling: Simple Random, Convenience, systematic, cluster, stratified – Statistics Help. Retrieved from Sampling Case Assignment Read the background materials for this module. After doing so, address the following questions in a four-page paper: 1. The sampling frame is arguably the most critical element of a study’s sampling plan. Why is this so? 2. How might a poorly specified sampling frame forestall the research process? 3. Are studies that employ convenience sampling invalid? Please explain. Of the sampling methods presented in this module, which optimize external validity? If this term is unfamiliar, revisit the Module 2 home page. Please explain. Assignment Expectations 1. You are expected to consult the scholarly literature in preparing your paper; you are also expected to incorporate relevant background readings. 2. Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable me to assess your level of understanding. 3. In order to earn full credit, you must clearly show that you have read all required background materials. 4. Cite your references in the text of all papers and on the reference list at the end. For examples, look at the way the references are listed in the modules and on the background reading list. 5. Proofread your paper to be sure grammar and punctuation are correct and that each part of the assignment has been addressed clearly and completely. 6. Your assignment will not be graded until you have submitted an Originality Report with a Similarity Index (SI) score


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