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I had predicted the arrival of Odysseus’s men a few weeks prior, and I smiled in

I had predicted the arrival of Odysseus’s men a few weeks prior, and I smiled in glee as I prepared my trap. Today was the day. It felt like it had been a long time since I had last gotten visitors, so I was more than excited for the occasion- would I finally get to add to my collection? It remained to be seen how Odysseus’s men would carry themselves, I thought, mixing the poison that would go into the sailors’ food. Before taking a seat at my loom, I made sure to let my wolves and mountain lions run free around my home. Seeing my guests quiver in fear at the harmless creatures never failed to amuse me. I began to sing as I wove on the loom, knowing the sailors would be able to hear me from outside the hall. Sure enough, I soon heard loud voices and the sound of knocking. I hurried to the door and let my unsuspecting prey in, hiding the fact that I was scrutinizing them closely. All of them followed me like a flock of sheep, doubtlessly enchanted by my grace. All except for one, who I noticed running off with a terrified look on his face; I didn’t think too much of it at the time. They settled into the dining room as I got to work making their food, laughing quietly at how relaxed they still were. They began to eat as soon as I placed the dishes down, spilling wine all over the table and scattering crumbs all over my floor. I watched as any restraint that was left in their eyes dissipated. They acted like swine, I thought- then realized that was the perfect animal for the next step of my plan. I grabbed my staff and drove the sailors out of their seats, relishing their confusion as they dropped their food and watched each other’s faces elongate into snouts. The poor fools found themselves unable to run as their limbs grew short and thick. Waving my staff, I drove them all into a pen, where they bit at the gate, snorting and snuffling. Now that was a job well done, I thought, as I tossed a few acorns at them. My glee was short-lived, however, when I heard another knocking on my door. When I opened it this time, I saw a man I recognized as Odysseus, the captain of the men I had transformed. And he did not look at all happy. Nonetheless, I welcomed him in and served him to a poisoned meal. My recipe has never failed, so you can imagine my surprise when Odysseus stood up after eating and pulled a sword on me! “Transform my men back,” he threatened, pointing his blade at my neck, “and swear you will play no witches’ tricks.” A shame, I thought- I had no choice but to swear, and give up on the rest of my pranks. No bunch of swine was worth my life. Reluctantly, I went to the pigsty and undid my enchantment. This Odysseus, though- nobody had ever resisted my magic in such a way. He really did seem like something special…

The post I had predicted the arrival of Odysseus’s men a few weeks prior, and I smiled in appeared first on Skilled Papers.


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