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Imagine that you are a researcher and an organization asks for your services to

Imagine that you are a researcher and an organization asks for your services to help them understand one of the current challenges or problems that they are dealing with. You need to choose a management or business related topic. You can chose any organization; there are no restrictions for sector, location, or size. In brief, for this research proposal you are required to: 1) With justification and evidence to support your choice, identify a suitable research question for your project (worth 35 marks in total) 2) Design a qualitative research project to address your research question (worth 65 marks in total) Both elements have a number of sub-questions that your assignment should address (the marks allocated for each section are indicated in parentheses) (1) Develop a suitable research question a) Provide a brief description of the research context and state your research question clearly. (5) Justify it by answering the following: b) What does the literature say about your chosen topic, and how has this helped you to make your question more specific. A brief literature review is required (approximately 300-400 words). (15) c) Describe the research rationale and explain why your research is timely and relevant. Draw on contemporary theoretical or applied issues you identify as being of particular importance. Explain how you are using them to support (justify) your choice of question. (10) d) Explain the philosophical considerations (ontology, epistemology and axiology) which you need to take into account and discuss how they have

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