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Instructions: The requirements for the content of this paper are below. Papers

Instructions: The requirements for the content of this paper are below. Papers should be in Times New Roman size 12 font, with 1” margins and double-spaced. Type the topic(s) in their entirety so that it is clear to the professor what you have selected. Items to include in your research paper: your personal viewpoint of the topic; what new information you learned about the topic; how you can make application to your life; and include how a Christian Worldview impacts that topic. Support your position, comments, facts, and statements with references to documentation such as peer-reviewed literature (and cite them in your paper…use APA format). The paper requires APA style with a cover page and a bibliography for references. Content, style, spelling, and grammar are all important to the grade. The ethics paper should be 5-7 pages in length not counting the cover page or the bibliography. Hello, Listed above are the instructions given for the assignment. This is a research paper for my business ethics class, and my topic is discrimination and harassment in the workplace. Thank you.

The post Instructions: The requirements for the content of this paper are below. Papers appeared first on Skilled Papers.

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