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Introduction… What do other people do for leisure? What does leisure mean to

Introduction… What do other people do for leisure? What does leisure mean to them? What gets in the way of people having leisure? Do markers of identity (e.g., age, gender identity/expression, race/ethnicity, sexual identity, etc.) influence people’s leisure? These are the kinds of questions you’ll be asking people to better understand the process of engaging in leisure research and you’ll be looking at some leisure journals to help you “interpret” your findings. To Complete this Assignment… Part 1: Interviews (these do not count towards 1500 Words View the interview questions below. Interview at least 10 people for this FINAL Paper. None of these individuals should be from this class, any RPTA course, or anyone studying RPTA. Most interviews take 10-20 minutes. Type up the notes from your interviews. These will be submitted along with your Interview Paper; however, they are not considered part of your 1500 words. Save your notes; they will be placed at the end of your Interview Paper. Part 2: Interview Paper (1500 Words) Begin your 1500-word paper with at Title and the following headers: Introduction, Findings, Discussion, and Conclusion Introduction: An overview of the paper, explaining its purpose, your direction of the paper, and briefly introducing the people you interviewed. Also, provide a brief summary of who you interviewed, including information about their age, race, gender expression, sexuality, occupation, etc. Findings: This is where you discuss what your research participants told you, summarize it, and provide quotes to illustrate the findings. Discussion: This is where you discuss your findings and analyze them as they relate to five sources: The theories discussed in Module 2 Information from three class resources. Three journal articles (see sources below). Conclusion: A brief paragraph summarizing the overall key findings of the paper. Part 3: Submit Submit your Interview Paper and your typed Interview Notes. General Guidelines Format: Times Roman Font, 12pt Font Size, DOUBLE SPACED, 1in Margins. Word Count: 1500 Words (approx. 6 pages, double spaced). Students who do not submit their notes from the interviews at the end of their papers will not receive full marks. Source Guidelines Your paper must incorporate at least three (3) references from the literature with in-text citations and a reference page. References from class readings (not lectures!) and two from leisure-based research journals. Citation Formation: APA, MLA, or Chicago are accepted. I attached some files, this is the reseach that i did, the media consuption, this is something that I wrote about.

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