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LAWS2029: Explain how the legal and evidential burdens will apply to the prosecution of Dean for the


1. a) Explain how the legal and evidential burdens will apply to the prosecution of Dean for the murder of Colette and causing the death of Abdul by dangerous driving; b) In relation to the charge of murder, explain how the legal and evidential burdens will apply to Dean’s defenses of diminished responsibility and loss of control.

2. Advice Dean, in relation to the charge of causing the death of Abdul by dangerous driving, on the admissibility of the identification evidence provided by Sulita.

3. Advise Dean, in relation to both charges, on the admissibility of any opinion evidence.

4. Advise Dean on

(a) the admissibility of Colette’s witness statement, and

(b) his decision, based on legal advice, to remain silent in his police interview.

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