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Learning and Development

GDECE106 – Learning and Development (3-5 years) Assessment 2 guidelines GDECE106 Assessment 2: Report (2000 words) Assessment When assessed Weighting Outcomes LearningInstruction: Identify aspects of learning and development for a child or children age 3-5 years (You can have examples from your placement, your family or your social circles, but please respect the confidentiality of their identity, make them unidentifiable, use pseudonyms). Describe and critically discuss their milestones of development, and specifically identify aspects of development (the physical, social-emotional and cognitive development). Use theoretical tools from different perspectives that we have discussed in the class. Critically evaluate the developmental stages and recommend early interventions required to address the evident developmental issues. Again, you have to refer to specific theoretical concepts we have learned in this subject. Criteria: • Identification of developmental milestones: physical, social-emotional and cognitive development. • Critical evaluation of the physical, social-emotional and cognitive stages or milestones of development identifiable in the examples provided. • Recommendation of early interventions required to address the evident developmental issues • Academic English expression and referencing – APA style. • Length of report 2000 words (10% more or less is acceptable) • Minimum 10 references.Week 8 Due date: Friday, 6 May 2022, 23.59 pm40% A & B


GDECE106 Assessment 2 Rubric Marks CriteriaHigh Distinction 80%-100%Distinction 70%-79%Credit 60%-69%Pass 50%-59%Fail 0-49%Statement structure and information /30• Information expressed in a rational, compelling and convincing manner. • Excellent discussion of physical, social emotional and cognitive development. • Extensive integration of research findings to broader context.• Information predominantly expressed in a rational and convincing manner. • Very good discussion of physical, social emotional and cognitive development. • Very good integration of research findings to• Information is unclear at times. • Good discussion of physical, social emotional and cognitive development. • Good integration of research findings to broader context.• Information unclear. • Adequate discussion of physical, social emotional and cognitive development. • Adequate integration of research findings to broader context. • Word count met.• No Information evident. • Inadequate discussion of physical, social-emotional and cognitive development. • Inadequate integration of research findings to broader context. • Word count not met.

GDECE106 – Learning and Development (3-5 years) Assessment 2 guidelines • Word count met. broader context. • Word count met.• Word count met.(24-30) (21-23.9) (18-20.9) (15-17) (0-14.9)Knowledge: Understanding of topic /30• Excellent understanding ofthe question. • Excellent critical evaluation of developmental milestones. • Excellent recommendation of early intervention to address developmental issues. • Evidence of extensive research• Very good understanding of the question. • Very good critical evaluation of developmental milestones. • Very good recommendation of early intervention to address developmental issues. • Very well researched.• Good understanding ofthe question. • Good critical evaluation of developmental milestones. • Good recommendation of early intervention to address developmental issues. • Well researched.• Adequate understanding of the question. • Adequate critical evaluation of developmental milestones. • Adequate recommendation of early intervention to address developmental issues. • Adequate research evident.• Inadequate understanding of the question. • Inadequate critical evaluation of developmental milestones. • Inadequate recommendation of early intervention to address developmental issues. • No/inadequate research evident.(24-30) (21-23.9) (18-20.9) (15-17) (0-14.9)Style: Grammar and expression /20• The writing is academically rigorous, succinct and engaging. • Written in formal language. • Significance of examples and quotes clearly stated. • Excellent and very strong arguments and supported with relevant evidence. • Excellent use of language and expression.• The writing is predominantly academically rigorous, succinct and engaging. • Predominantly written in formal language. • Significance of examples and quotes clearly stated most of the time. • Very good and strong arguments and supported with relevant evidence. • Very good use of language and expression.• The writing style is inconsistent, and sometimes lacks academic rigor. • Language is sometimes informal. • Significance of examples and quotes not consistently clear. • Good arguments and supported with relevant evidence. • Good use of language and expression.• The writing style often lacks academic rigor. • Language is often informal. • Significance of examples and quotes is unclear. • Adequate arguments but not well-supported with relevant evidence. • Adequate use of language and expression.• The writing style lacks academic rigor. • Language is consistently informal. • No or few examples or quotes used. • Inadequate arguments and not well-supported with relevant evidence. • Inadequate use of language and expression.(16-20) (14-15.5) (12-13.5) (10-11) (0-9)Citations and references /20• Excellent citations and references. • Excellent critical analysis of selected references.• Very good citations and references. • Very good critical analysis of selected references.• Good citations and references. • Good critical analysis ofselected references.• Adequate citations and references. • Adequate critical analysis of selected references.• Inadequate citations and references. • No critical analysis of selected references.(16-20) (14-15.5) (12-13.5) (10-11) (0-9)


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