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Materials to read/watch; 1. The Housing System: Rewriting the Rules. (WATCH AT LEAST THROUGH MINUTE

Materials to read/watch;

1. The Housing System: Rewriting the Rules. (WATCH AT LEAST THROUGH MINUTE 25:19)

2. Read the article:

3. Optional Reading:

4. Watch the documentary Urbanized : A documentary about the design of cities, which looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design and features some of the world’s foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers. (This may require retail if you cannot access the free version. but I’m willing to pay an additional $5 retail fee after this order has been placed.)

Writing instructions: write 600-1000 words of reflection based on the material given.

For materials 1-3 consider the following: -Consider the examples of content on issues of process, zoning, user need, creativity, and innovation. -Consider the role of architects as Innovators in challenging existing housing policy. -Consider the discussion around the design, building and effects of ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units or converted garages into tiny homes) as a housing typology. discussing the issue of livability and how these are reflected by the different housing types. There is no doubt that housing typology affects the lives of those living within them, but also affects/responds to the context around, often times creating unintended effects that can be desirable or undesirable. -Consider the pros and cons of ADUs at any level of discussion: identity, livability, economics, neighborhood improvement or other effects, challenges, intended/unintended effects in the city fabric, demographics, and equity in housing. -Consider the changes in zoning in California to single-family zoning and the positive and negative impacts that this may have on housing availability and affordability and on housing equity.

For Material 4: -Consider The documentary notes monumental challenges, what are 3 primary points it makes? -Where does housing stand in the list of challenges? -What have been misconceptions or missteps in the role of architects to make healthy cities? How can architects move forward as contributors to the solutions? -How do cities (via human design or lack of) contribute to solutions or problems of equity? Give specific examples. Is there value in bottom up urban approaches and why? Is there value in top down urban approaches and why?

Lastly, Don’t forget to employ proper citation.

The post Materials to read/watch; 1. The Housing System: Rewriting the Rules. (WATCH AT LEAST THROUGH MINUTE 25:19) 2. Read Essay appeared first on learnedwriters.

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