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Matilda (1996) Film: Language and Power through critical discourse analysis of a child’s Rights – SG

PLEASE READ THE FILE ‘RESEARCH ESSAY REQUIREMENTS for better understanding Research Essay Requirement – Critical Analysis Answer the following question. (Total 100 marks) Question This is a mini-research project which appraises the issues surrounding sociolinguistic approaches to language and power – specifically, critical sociolinguistics. Critical sociolinguistics aims to contribute to addressing social inequities through changes in the way we speak or use language in general. In other words, as an approach to the study of social discourse, it assumes that language is implicated in social inequalities, so its main concern is to find out how this is so and what can be done to change it for the betterment of society. Your task: Select a context (e.g. home, school, office, hospital, courtroom, shop) which will enable you to carry out a critical sociolinguistic observation of power differentials at play. Based on actual data examples in your chosen context, examine and critique the issue of language variation and use. Data sources may include but not be limited to: • Written and spoken media • Electronic communication • Cross-cultural/cross-ethnic communication In your critique, discuss some of the factors affecting language and power. You may wish to consider the following variables: • social distance between the speaker and the addressee • relative power of one over the other • degree of imposition associated with the interaction (in terms of, for example, goods and services required); • relative status of language or dialect, code-switching • age, gender and class • politeness markers such as pronoun choice • power and resistance, signs of struggle • register and style • use of anti-language Marks Marking will be holistic. The following percentage breakdown only indicates the relative importance of the various components. a. A brief discussion of the context, i.e. the issue of language variation and use in the selected setting (20 %) b. A critical discussion of relevant factors that affect language variation and use, with clear examples from your data (60 %) c. Quality of research and writing (20 %) Paper Format and Limits Paper style: Research Critical Analysis Essay Word Limit: 4000 words Font and size: (Times New Roman 12-point font size, double line spacing, 2.54cm margins all round) Referencing: APA 7th edition No of References: 36 Please make reference to the following – both the sociolinguistic and early childhood critical analysis framework theories. – chapters 10 and 11 theories from Introducing Sociolinguistics by Rajend Mesthrie – The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) – early childhood Ethics code’ for early childhood professionals. Others: Please add photos from the movie to reference in the findings and discussion. Please add any other scriipt or transcriipt to the appendix to avoid exceeding the word count. Please use British English. Other important details of the Research Critical Analysis Essay*** Title: Matilda (1996) Film: Language and Power through critical discourse analysis of a child’s Rights – Singapore’s Early Childhood Teacher’s Perspective Key Words: language and power use, reading, teacher’s power, listening to children, child’s rights, understanding relationship, Responsibility of parents, Right to life survival and development, Right to be heard, critical discourse analysis, early childhood, teacher’s perspectives, Singapore, persuasive language. Content: Please use the following critical analysis template to write the paper. References Appendix

Important Note (PLEASE READ) I have decided to use my all-time favourite movie, Matilda (1996), to critically analyse the language and power used in this film. My Research Critical Analysis Essay will also look at child’s rights, origins, and development regarding young people and children. As my media theme source is analysed, I will provide a debate or argument about it. I will examine the policies related to children’s rights in care (UNICEF’s Convention on the Rights of the Child) and critically analyse the media source alongside some sociolinguistics and early childhood theories. The paper should consider how these ideas play out from the early childhood teacher’s perspective at the present world. The paper will be positive and inspirational. My media source Matilda will be looking at power and powerlessness and the notion of advocacy. At the end of the essay, I will summarise and pull together all the arguments. Matilda’s (1996) movie in a nutshell: Sweet and bright little Matilda Wormwood, a child of wondrous intelligence, is different from the rest of her family. After being misunderstood by everyone and ignored at home, she escapes into a world of reading, honing her skills, and exercising her mind so much that she develops telekinetic abilities. Life lesson learnt I from the film Matilda (Please add the following points to support any theoriest) Reading is good for the soul

As she struggles to understand or be understood by her own family, Matilda teaches us that reading can provide an escape. A great quote from the book says, “The books transported her into new worlds and introduced her to amazing people who lived exciting lives.” The strength to stand up for yourself Matilda is a show that will give you the courage to stand up for yourself, no matter what kind of abuse you are subjected to. She endures verbal abuse at home before entering a world of verbal and physical abuse at school. ‘If it’s not right, you have to put it right.’ Matilda shows us that if you ‘sit around and let them get on top, you won’t change a thing. Teachers can either inspire or intimidate

Never listen to those who say anything like, “I’m smart,you’re dumb. I’m big, you’re little. I’m right you’re wrong!”

Dance like nobody is watching!

You can do anything with the right support network PLEASE WATCH THE MOVIE BEFORE WRITING THE CRITICAL ANALYSIS PAPER movie link:

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