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MGT558F: Michie (2002) provided models to explain the influence of stress and how we can manage stre

Section A

Answer all questions in this section.

Question 1

Michie (2002) provided models to explain the influence of stress and how we can manage stress better at work. Compare how the Model of Stress at Work (Figure 1) and the Model of Stress and its Management (Figure 2) influence your own experiences of stress at work. Appraise the effectiveness of both these models in explaining your personal stress experiences at work.

Question 2

Read Huffington & Fisher’s (2022) commentary on how the Great Resignation is leading to the Great Re-evaluation:

(a) Critique the article and explain if “life-work integration” can occur in the Singapore context.

(b) Recommend THREE (3) strategies to enable “life-work integration” into your personal experiences of life and work. Specifically, share how you can develop better self-awareness and resilience to enable better “life-work integration” for yourself.

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