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Mr. Spam is a 39-year-old male who has been brought into your neurology clinic by his wife.

Mr. Spam is a 39-year-old male who has been brought into your neurology clinic by his wife.

Mr. Spam is a 39-year-old male who has been brought into your neurology clinic by his wife. She has become increasingly alarmed by her husband’s behavior over the last four months. You recommend a CAT scan to look for tumors in the brain. Which two parts of the brain would you predict are being affected by the tumors?

List of symptoms: vastly increased appetite, body temperature fluctuations, decreased sexual desire, jerky movements, poor balance when walking and standing, inability to throw objects, and exaggerated efforts to coordinate movements in a task

(A)        motor cortex and emotion cortex

(B)        somato-sensory cortex and hypothalamus

(C)        hypothalamus and cerebellum

(D)        cerebellum and medulla

(E)        thalamus and motor cortex


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