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my topic: Developing a CRM System assignment   Master of Science in Business Analytics Project Manag

my topic: Developing a CRM System assignment

Master of Science in Business Analytics

Project Management for Business Analytics Module Code B9BA105

Group Assessment Details

Upload Group Formative Assignment to DBS Moodle Before 9.00am on Monday, 1 November 2021.  In Class Group Formative Presentations will commence on Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Submission of Project Plan and Presentation to DBS Moodle before 11.59am on Friday, 19 November 2021

Module Leader:          Obinna Izima

Group Assignment Details


For this element of the assessment you will form into project teams of 3 members.  As a project team, you are required to do the following:

Formative Assessment:

Ø  Produce a Project charter or Scope statement for a project that you, as a team, are familiar with. It must be a real project and it can be at any stage of development. You must be able to establish specific project objectives. The project must have a requirement for different project resources, including people.  It is important to balance the selection of a project with sufficient complexity and size to clearly demonstrate the team’s understanding of and ability to apply the project management concepts, models, tool and techniques that you’ve studied on this course.  The project chosen can be currently underway, an in-company or in the public domain (in any sector). It cannot be an already completed project.

It’s not envisaged that this Scope Statement will be more than 2 – 3 pages in length. Each team will be expected to present their project scope to the class by way of a short informal presentation.  No PowerPoint, etc. are required. It’s okay to use one if you feel the need to do so. This is formative assessment and no marks will be awarded for this non-assessed essential component.

 (Weight 0%, no marks are awarded for this formative assessment)

Summative Assessments

1)      Formulate a comprehensive project plan for your project. The project plan should cover from time now to completion or to the end of December 2022, whichever is soonest.

This project plan must be professionally presented and, at a very minimum, must include:

Ø  Clearly defined Goal(s), Objective(s), Deliverables, and Milestones

Ø  Detailed Project Requirements (Business, Solution, Transition, Project, Quality, etc.)

Ø  Detailed Stakeholder Analysis

Ø  Acceptance Criteria

Ø  Project Assumptions and Project Constraints

Ø  Project Communications Plan

Ø  Network Diagram (AON) linked to the Work Breakdown Structure. Do not include Gantt Charts.

Ø  Comprehensive Risk Analysis including a populated Risk Register

Ø  Procurement Strategy

Ø  Quality Plan

Ø  Project Budget and Cash Flow Statement

Ø  Change Management Process

Ø  Templates for Change Control, Risk Register, and others as required

Ø  etc., etc.,

2)      Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of your project plan and present it to the class. Each team should appoint a time-keeper as you will not be allowed to run over the allocated time for your presentation. You are planning the project from the perspective of the project manager and you should assume that you are looking to gain approval to implement or continue this project.  To get this approval, you should assume that you are making your presentation to the project board. Your group should be prepared to vigorously defend your assumptions, suggestions, and planning recommendations before this panel of assessors.

Additionally, the presentation slides must include appropriate speaker notes for each slide (please note: these must be relevant and used appropriately in order to support the content in your slides). The ‘speaker notes’ need to add value to your slides and should not just replicate the content of your presentation slides. Instead, speaker notes should be used to explain the points that have been made in each slide in more detail.

3)      Each group will be assigned another group and be required to provide a rebuttal (critical commentary and suggestions) to the presenting group’s findings, conclusions, etc.  This must demonstrate (offers evidence) that you have knowledge of existing opposing view(s) which gives you more credibility than the presenting group.  Assume you are members of the project board i.e. the client.

4)      Complete and upload the Group/Individual Contribution Report. This is available in appendix 1 of this document and MUST be included as the first slide in your PowerPoint presentation. Each group member must refer to this and their specific contribution to the assignment when they introduce themselves at the start of your presentation. 

5)      Only one member of each group need upload this completed assignment. 

Be sure to include the names and student numbers for all group members on all submissions.

(Weight 100%, of the available module marks are available to be awarded for this summative assessment)


Assignment Guidelines and Instructions

Ø  The presentation submitted on Moodle must be used for the in-class presentation and no additions or changes should be made to it.

Ø  Only one member of each group need upload this completed assignment.

Ø  Only original and credible research and material constructed by you should be included in this assignment. Material downloaded from the internet maybe regarded as spurious and can incur a heavy penalty. At least 75%of your research sources must have been published in or after 2015 and must be sourced through Dublin Business School Library. Other published textbooks, articles, journals, papers, etc. may be employed if their source is academically credible and authoritative.

Ø  All research sourced through Dublin Business School must be listed and dated in a separate section of your bibliography.

Ø  Your assignment must be developed around a strong theoretical framework, based on a critical review of appropriate literature sources, demonstrating evidence of comprehensive research into the subject matter.  You should draw on concepts and theories discussed in project management literature sources to support your analysis and justify your critical factors and recommendations. You are expected to provide insight and argument and not simply provide a description of the subject matter.

Ø  All sources of information must be referenced, using the Harvard Referencing System only. Groups/individuals may be penalised if they do not comply with this instruction. The following link will take you to the Dublin Business School library services referencing series:

Ø  The Purdue University Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) provides an excellent insight and tips on approaches to writing academic papers.

Ø  Exceeding the maximum time allowed for presentation may result in penalties.  In preparing your PowerPoint slides remember to size the text, diagrams, etc. so that they can be read from the body of the class room.  You are expected to provide insight and argument and not simply provide a description of the subject matter.  Think critically about the quality of your presentation, where possible, present ideas and not detail.

Ø  The assignment must be submitted in Microsoft Word format. Submissions using pdf, etc. may be returned to students.

Ø  Where employed, copies of completed surveys, interviews, questionnaires, etc. must be included in the appendices. 

Ø  Late submissions may incur penalties or be disallowed and graded as a fail.


Learning Outcomes:

The following Learning Outcomes must be evident in this assessment:

1)      Critically evaluate approaches to managing change and innovation in a business environment and assess the likely impact of organisational change.

2)      Critically assess risk relating to the operation of a project and conduct a sensitivity analysis.

3)      Use appropriate analytics for the identification of inefficiencies and potential for cost savings in project implementation

4)      Select and apply advanced project management techniques to plan, monitor and control all aspects of a project in a range of settings.

Assignment Rubric

Ø  To achieve a top grade of 70% plus your assignment must be well structured and logically developed with concise and comprehensive identification of the issues supported with evidence of extensive background reading. It will express original reasoned arguments and demonstrate critical thinking based on clear insight, knowledge, and understanding by reviewing and critiquing a wide range of appropriate research material. 

Ø  A very good assignment scoring between 60-69% will respond directly to the question with a clear and convincing argument supported with evidence of substantial background reading. It will demonstrate an awareness of the issues involved in the question and blends conceptual awareness with reference to research sources and appropriate examples. It will be coherently organised, contain discussion and analysis rather than description or narration.

Ø  A poorly developed assignment, scoring less than 50% could show some awareness of the relevant material and subject matter but does not demonstrate a sufficient depth of understanding and/or is limited in the extent to which assumptions, theories and beliefs are challenged. 

Appendix 1

Group/Individual Contribution Report

Meeting number 1      Date & Time:                        Names of those in Attendance:       

Meeting number 2      Date & Time:                        Names of those in Attendance:       

Meeting number 3      Date & Time:                        Names of those in Attendance:       

Meeting number 4      Date & Time:                        Names of those in Attendance:       

Meeting number 5      Date & Time:                        Names of those in Attendance:

Etc. etc.          

Individual Contribution Report

Provide a short account of the overall contribution made by each individual group member

Name:                                       Overall Percentage Contributed (out of 100%)          /100

Summary of your individual contribution to this assignment:

Name:                                       Overall Percentage Contributed (out of 100%)          /100

Summary of your individual contribution to this assignment:

Name:                                       Overall Percentage Contributed (out of 100%)          /100

Summary of your individual contribution to this assignment:

Name:                                       Overall Percentage Contributed (out of 100%)          /100

Summary of your individual contribution to this assignment:

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