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No personal opinions on this paper, just research and write what economists say

No personal opinions on this paper, just research and write what economists say in response to the topic. You must use at least SIX outside sources. You can use online magazine articles, interviews or documentaries, journal papers, online essays, or books. HOW TO CITE SOURCES IN THE PAPER AND AT THE END (REFERENCES PAGE) Cut and paste link below: cuments/20090212013008_560.pdf 1. Title Page a. Name b. Econ 1B c. Title of Essay (use the titles I have given above) 2. Body of Paper (3,000-4,000 words); 12pt font, double-spaced a. Cite your sources in the paper. For example,“Malek (2017) has found that raising the minimum wage by 10% reduces employment by 5%.” 3. References Page (see the above website) (NOT “Works Cited” or “Bibliography”)

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