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No religion, race, gender….. Possible Topics: JFK Assassination, 9/11, Vietnam War, Columbine Shooti

No religion, race, gender…..

Possible Topics: JFK Assassination, 9/11, Vietnam War, Columbine Shooting, Battle of Gettysburg

Here are a few pointers to help you choose your topic:

Pick a topic that interests you. You’re likely to do more research, and do it faster, when you’re genuinely engaged by your topic.

Pick a topic that is credible and relevant. Avoid sensationalism; don’t waste your time trying to research the history of alien abductions or Elvis sightings. And make sure your topic is historically relevant—that is, a topic that requires you to do real historical research, not just express your opinions. Narrow it down.

A topic that’s too broad will require you to sift through too much information and make it hard for you to focus.

Ask your instructor for ideas. Your instructor can also help you decide what topics are credible and relevant and how to narrow down an overly broad topic.

Make sure you can find the needed resources. If your topic is too obscure or too narrow, you might have trouble finding enough relevant sources.

The post No religion, race, gender….. Possible Topics: JFK Assassination, 9/11, Vietnam War, Columbine Shooting, Battle of Gettysburg Here are a appeared first on learnedwriters.

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