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of key concepts as rhetoric, genre, conventions, critical thinking, reading, and writing

For this research journal, you will write a letter to your instructor that makes a claim about how you have mastered the course outcomes over the course of the semester. The course outcomes are listed here:

Course Outcomes Concepts

What students should be able to do

Rhetorical Knowledge – an understanding of factors that influence and are influenced by author’s choices during the creation of a text.

• Apply key rhetorical concepts, especially those associated with the rhetorical situation, in order to analyze and compose a variety of texts, with an emphasis on academic research essays.

Critical Thinking, Reading, and Composing – ways of exploring ideas, information, situations, and texts in order to gain new insights.

• Use composing and reading as tools for inquiry in various rhetorical contexts.

• Analyze texts in order to identify and evaluate assertions and evidence, recognize underlying assumptions, and trace connections and patterns.

• Use strategies such as interpretation, synthesis, response, and critique to compose texts that integrate the writer’s ideas with those from appropriate sources.

Processes – the flexible strategies writers use to imagine, develop, and finish projects.

• Develop a research project through multiple drafts by applying flexible strategies and technologies for generating questions, finding sources, reading, drafting, reviewing, collaborating, revising, rewriting, rereading, and editing.

• Use composing as a means to discover and reconsider ideas, give and act on constructive feedback to works in progress, and reflect on the development and effectiveness of reading and composing practices.

Conventions – the formal rules and informal guidelines that define genres and shape readers’ and writers’ perceptions of correctness or appropriateness.

• Apply knowledge of grammar, usage, punctuation, spelling, and common formats in their own work and use appropriate technologies to create and share documents.

• Understand the concepts of intellectual property that motivate documentation conventions and apply citation conventions systematically in their own work.

As you write your reflective letter, you should review the English 102 course learning outcomes listed above. Your letter does not need to address each bullet point listed in the “What students should be able to do” column, but you should address each of the major concepts (Rhetorical Knowledge; Critical Thinking, Reading, and Composing; Processes; Conventions) to discuss what you’ve learned about that concept and how your work this semester demonstrates you have met the expectations for that concept.

To submit your Research Journal 11: Post your journal entry of 300-500 words as a text entry or file upload (Microsoft Word or Open Office file) to the Research Journal 11 assignment.

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